NestorBASIC version 1.11 By Nestor Soriano (Konami Man), December 2.004 1. WHAT IS NESTORBASIC? NestorBASIC is a set of machine code routines, integrated in a single file. It is intended for being used within MSX-BASIC programs. Without losing Turbo-BASIC compatibility, NestorBASIC gives you the following capabilities: - Full access to all the available memory of the computer (all existing memory in case of DOS 1, all free memory in the case of DOS 2), up to 4 Mb. - Access to all VRAM, with data block exchange within VRAM and between RAM and VRAM feature. - Storing BASIC programs in the mapped RAM, with the capability to jump from one program to another without losing variables. - Access to disk files and direct access to physical sectors, with direct read/write to/from mapped RAM and VRAM feature. File search, directory management. - Graphics compression and decompression. - Moonblaster music playback. Samplekit loading. - PSG sound effects playback. - Executing machine code routines located in BIOS, SUB-BIOS, main BASIC memory, system working area, or a mapped RAM segment. User defined interrupts. - NestorMan functions, InterNestor Suite and InterNestor Lite routines execution. All of these functions are available through a single USR and an integer parameter array, therefore they are fully TurboBASIC compatible. In fact, the TurboBASIC compiler itself is included into the NestorBASIC file, and it is automatically loaded when NestorBASIC is installed. NestorBASIC is loaded in a RAM segment hidden to BASIC, so only a small amount of MSX-BASIC main RAM (aprox. 500 bytes) is needed for a jump routine. The rest of the BASIC main RAM remains available for the BASIC program. 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. LOADING NESTORBASIC NestorBASIC works on any MSX2/2+/Turbo-R with at least 128K of mapped RAM. When DOS 2 is installed, at least one free segment is needed in the primary mapper (at least two if the music player will be used. See section 8 for details). To load NestorBASIC, just do BLOAD"NBASIC.BIN",R. Neither preceding nor posterior CLEAR or DEFUSR is required. If no errors occured, you get the following: - NestorBASIC and TurboBASIC loaded, each one in a different RAM segment. Both are ready for use. - The amount of free BASIC main RAM has been decreased in aprox. 500 bytes, which are occuped by a routine that jumps to the NestorBASIC segment. - The first USR [USR0(parameter) or just USR(parameter)] points to the jump routine mentioned above. This will be the entry point for using the NestorBASIC functions. - The integer array P has been created. This array will be used for passing parameters to, and returning results from the NestorBASIC functions. The error codes will be returned by the USR command. (The file access function and other functions like those for string processing need its own string array, which must be defined separately. See section 4 for details). The first five elements of P have been initialised as follows: P(0) = Number of available RAM segments, or error code P(1) = NestorBASIC main version P(2) = NestorBASIC secondary version, in BCD format (must be shown in hexadecimal format) P(3) = MSX-DOS main version P(4) = MSX-DOS secondary version, in BCD format (must be shown in hexadecimal format) The number of available RAM segments will be always at least 5. A smaller number in P(0) means an error code that has aborted the installation of NestorBASIC: 0: The computer has no mapped RAM, or has only 64K of mapped RAM. 1: Disk error when reading NestorBASIC or TurboBASIC from NBASIC.BIN. 2: No free segments are available in the primary mapper. This error may appear only under DOS 2. 3: NestorBASIC was already installed. All variables have been initialized. 4: Undefined in this version. After NestorBASIC installation, the CLEAR statement can be freely used in order to reserve memory for loading other machine code routines or user data to MSX-BASIC main RAM. However, due to the fact that NestorBASIC performs slot/segment switchings in page 2, and the BASIC interpreter puts the stack in the BASIC main RAM below the area reserved with CLEAR, there is a lower limit for the address that can be specified in the CLEAR statement. Concretely, the lowest address that can be specified in the CLEAR statement when NestorBASIC is installed is given by: &HC000 + (MAXFILES+1)*267 + FRE("") + 100 Also, remember that the CLEAR statement, as well as the load/erase/modification of any BASIC program, delete all the variables. In such case, the P array must be redefined with DEFINT P:DIM P(15), and this must be done out of turbo blocks. Also, the F array must be redefined if needed (see section 4 for details about the array F). Watch out: if you need to define the F array inside of a turbo block, you must do it in the first line of the turbo block: 10 'save"autoexec.bas" 20 BLOAD"nbasic.bin",R:IF P(0)<5 THEN PRINT "Error!":END 30 CLEAR 100:DEFINT P:DIM P(15) 40 _TURBO ON(P()) 50 DIM F$(1) 'See section 4 ... 65000 _TURBO OFF 65010 RUN"next.bas" 10 'save"next.bas" 20 DEFINT P:DIM P(15) 30 _TURBO ON(P()) 40 DIM F$(0) 'If F$(1) is not needed. See section 4.1 ... 65000 _TURBO OFF Also, remember that the first USR is always reserved for NestorBASIC. USR1 to USR9 remain available for the user. 3. LOGICAL SEGMENTS 3.1. WHAT IS A LOGICAL SEGMENT? The mapped RAM of the MSX computers is structured in 16K segment. Each RAM slot contains a given number S of segments (numbered 0 to S-1), which are accessibles when they are connected to the addressing space of the active RAM slot through ports &HFC to &HFF. When NestorBASIC is installed, all the exisiting slots are scanned for available RAM (all the existing RAM in the case of DOS 1, all the free RAM in the case of DOS 2), and a segment table is built. In this table, all the found segments are registered as a couple slot+segment number (under DOS 2, the segments are allocated first). NestorBASIC identifies each of these couples with his index number in the table. This number is named logical segment number, and allows the user to manage all the RAM segments in an easy and ordered way, without having to care about the slot(s) in which the RAM is located nor about the physical segment numbers. For example, let's suppose a MSX with 128K of internal RAM (8 segments) and an external mapper of 1024K (64 segments). Then, when NestorBASIC is installed, and supposing DOS 1, the user has 72 logical segments available for its own use. To use these segments, just specify a logical segment number between 0 and 71 in the appropriate NestorBASIC functions, and don't worry about RAM slots nor about physical segments number. The address range of a logical segment (just "segment" from now on) is &H0000 to &H3FFF. If higher addresses are specified in the NestorBASIC functions, they will be converted. That is, addresses &H4000-&H7FFF, &H8000-&HBFFF and &HC000-&HFFFF are the same as &H0000-&H3FFF when accessing to RAM segments through NestorBASIC. All the segments are readable and writable, but there are important restrictions that apply to the first six ones: - Segment 0 contains NestorBASIC itself, and only a small amount of RAM remains available for the user at the end of the segment. Use function 1 to obtain the beginning address of this free area (see section 10 for the function description). - Segment 1 contains the TurboBASIC compiler. You can overwrite this segment only if you will not use the compiler. - Segment 2 is always connected to page 2 (addreses &H8000 to &HBFFF), and contains the BASIC program being executed and part of its variables. - Segment 3 is always connected to page 3 (addresses &HC000 to &HFFFF), and contains the MSX work area and part of the BASIC program variables. Be careful when writing here. - Segment 4 is used as an internal buffer by some NestorBASIC functions. You can use this segment to store your own data as long as you don't use these NestorBASIC functions. See section 10 or appendix 1 to know which functions use this segment. - If it exists, segment 5 is initially free, and is not used by NestorBASIC. But when the music player is loaded, it is stored in this segment. See section 8 for details. All other existing segments are completely available for the user. NOTE: The roles of logical segments 2 and 4 have been swapped when stepping from version 0.07 to 1.00. In version 0.07 and previous versions, segment 2 was NestorBASIC internal buffer, and segment 4 was BASIC page 2 RAM. When using the data block exchange functions, be careful for not surpassing the address &H3FFF when adding the block length to the destination address (for example, don't try to transfer &H2000 bytes specifying address &H3000 as destination address). In this case, segment 0 or segment 3 will be overwriten, and the result will be unpredictable. Note: using function 80 it is possible to force NestorBASIC to allocate less memory segments than the total amount available. This is useful under DOS 2 when other programs which also need to allocate memory (for example RAM disk or NestorMan) are used simultaneously with NestorBASIC. See section 10 for the functions' description. 3.2. USING VRAM AS LOGICAL SEGMENTS NestorBASIC allows you to use VRAM to emulate extra RAM segments. If the number of segments found by NestorBASIC is S, then segments 0 to S-1 will correspond to RAM segments, as explained above. But segments S to S+7 or S+3 (depending on VRAM capacity, 128K or 64K) are also available, and they refer to VRAM. Let's go back to previous example. When NestorBASIC gets loaded and initialized, or after using the function 1 (see the list of functions), it returns number of segments value equal to 72. Hence - segments 72 through 79 (if computer has 128K VRAM) or 72 through 75 (if computer has 64K VRAM) are VRAM segments. The correspondence between segments and VRAM addresses is reversed: the segments with lower numbers refer to the higher VRAM addresses. It is designed this way to facilitate the task for a user when discarding the VRAM segments corresponding to screen visualization area: those segments will be the last ones when working in text mode, or when using the page 0 in graphic modes. Let's return to the given example: the computer with 72 RAM segments and 128K VRAM. If the program works in text mode, only the first 2000 bytes of VRAM are used: this VRAM area corresponds to the highest VRAM segment, with number 79. Thus, the user program can freely use segments 72 to 78, and the range of available segments becomes 0 to 78, without having to discard any in-between segments. If the program works in SCREEN 5 and uses graphic page 0 only, the range is 0 to 77; in SCREEN 7, it is 0 to 75, and so on. Of course, NestorBASIC also includes functions for accessing VRAM with direct addressing specification, useful when VRAM must be treated as VRAM and not as emulated RAM. NOTE: VRAM segments can be used as normal RAM segments in order to store data and BASIC programs; also, data block exchange functions and disk access functions can be used with VRAM segments. But note that VRAM segments can't be used for the following purposes: - Graphic compression/decompression - Machine code routines execution - User defined interrupt execution - PSG sound effects playback - Music playback If you try to use VRAM segments for these purposes, the called function will return the "non existing segment" error. 3.3. THE SEGMENT 255 The logical segment number 255 has a special purpose. It does not refer to a concrete RAM or VRAM segment, but to the BASIC main RAM, that is, the RAM used by BASIC at addresses &H8000 to &HFFFF (in this case, addresses are not converted to range &H0000-&H3FFF). This segment number is useful for example to exchange data between any segment and a BASIC variable or array: 1 'Copy 10 bytes from segment 7, begin address &H1000, 2 'to integer array D. 3 '(See section 10 for detailed functions specification) 4 ' 10 DEFINT D:DIM D(4) '5 integer data = 10 bytes 20 P(0)=7 'Source segment 30 P(1)=&H1000 'Source begin address 40 P(2)=255 'Destination segment=BASIC main RAM 50 P(3)=VARPTR(D(0)) 'Destination begin address=D array 60 P(4)=10 'length 70 J=USR(10) 'Call to function 10 (block transfer between segments) 3.4. SEGMENTS MAP As a summary of this section, here is a list of available segments and its descriptions. S is the number of present segments, returned by NestorBASIC upon its installation, or when function 1 is called. 0: NestorBASIC segment 1: Turbo-BASIC segment 2: BASIC main RAM, page 2 (&H8000-&HBFFF) 3: BASIC main RAM, page 3 (&HC000-&HFFFF) 4: Internal buffer segment 5 to S-1: Available RAM for the user (if S>5) If the music player is loaded, it is stored in segment 5. See section 8. S: VRAM, addresses &H1C000-&H1FFFF (64K VRAM: &HC000-&HFFFF) S+1: VRAM, addresses &H18000-&H1BFFF (64K VRAM: &H8000-&HBFFF) S+2: VRAM, addresses &H14000-&H17FFF (64K VRAM: &H4000-&H7FFF) S+3: VRAM, addresses &H10000-&H13FFF (64K VRAM: &H0000-&H3FFF) S+4: VRAM, addresses &H0C000-&H0FFFF (not available with 64K VRAM) S+5: VRAM, addresses &H08000-&H0BFFF (not available with 64K VRAM) S+6: VRAM, addresses &H04000-&H07FFF (not available with 64K VRAM) S+7: VRAM, addresses &H00000-&H03FFF (not available with 64K VRAM) S+8 to 254: Not available (if S+8<255) 255: MSX-BASIC main RAM (&H8000-&HFFFF) 3.5. ERRORS All the functions which perform RAM and/or VRAM access return the error code -1 if any nonexistent RAM segment or VRAM address (addresses above &HFFFF in computers with 64K VRAM) is passed to a function, or if any VRAM segment or segment 255 is specified as input parameter for a function that supports normal RAM segments only. 4. DISK ACCESS NestorBASIC includes functions that work with disk files and use other MSX-DOS capabilities: * Create/delete/rename/search files. * Read/write files to/from RAM or VRAM. * Under DOS 2, move files and get/set file attributes. * Read/write disk sectors to/from RAM or VRAM. * Get/set the current working drive/directory. * Obtain the disk size and free space. * Under DOS 2, get size of/create the RAM disk. 4.1. THE ARRAY F$ For passing filenames and pathnames to these functions, a string array named F$ is used. Functions for search, renaming and moving files, and for parsing pathname require two strings, so, an array F$ of two elements has to be declared [DIM F$(1)]. Rest of the functions require just one string, therefore, if none of these four functions mentioned above are needed, you can define the array with only one element [DIM F$(0)]. This is especially recommended in case of using TurboBASIC, because inside turbo blocks each string takes 256 bytes of RAM, regardless of its effective length. Also, remember that if you define a turbo block, the array F$ must be defined right in the beginning of it: 1000 _TURBO ON(P()) 1010 DIM F$(1) or DIM F$(0) ... 65000 _TURBO OFF IMPORTANT: String variables defined outside a turbo block, as well as other variables are not accessible from within a turbo block, and get restored on its completion. For example: 10 A$="Outside" 20 _TURBO ON 30 A$="Inside":PRINT A$ 40 _TURBO OFF 50 PRINT A$ run Inside Outside With NestorBASIC this still being true, but F$() strings demand extra care. If F$ array has been used outside of turbo blocks, and it's gonna be then used inside one, the following line must be placed before CALL TURBO ON: F$(0)=F$(0)+"":F$(1)=F$(1)+"" This precaution is not needed if you don't care about the old contents of F$, or if F$ will not be defined within the turbo block. Another restriction of F$(0) and F$(1) is that they are limited in length to 80 characters; exceeding characters will just be ignored by NestorBASIC functions having these strings as input parameters. All these restrictions do not apply for indexes higher than 1 if F$ is defined with more elements; that is, you can define F$ with more than two elements and use F$(2), F$(3)... normally. 4.2. ERRORS Besides the error -1, described in section 3, the disk access functions have its own error codes. The following errors can appear only under DOS 1: 1: General error code of MSX-DOS 1. It can be caused by the following error conditions: - File not found. - Invalid filename. - File already exists (when renaming). - Invalid drive (when being part of a filename). - End of file found when reading from a file. - Disk full. - Root directory full. - Function not available under DOS 1. Under DOS 2, each of these errors has its own error code, which is never 1. 2: Invalid file number (no opened file has this number assigned). 3: Too many opened files. The maximum number of files that can be opened simultaneously under DOS 1 can be checked by using function 1. The following errors are same for DOS 1 and DOS 2, and share error codes with their BASIC equivalents: 60: Bad FAT. 62: Invalid drive (when changing the default drive). 68: Write protected disk. 69: Physical disk error. 70: Disk offline. The DOS 2 error codes are the following: 222: Not enough free DOS 2 internal memory to create the RAM disk or to open a file. 219: Invalid drive (when being part of a filename or pathname). 218: Invalid filename. 217: Invalid pathname. 215: File not found. 214: Directory not found. 213: Root directory full. 212: Disk full. 211: File already exists (when renaming or moving a file). 210: Invalid directory movement operation (a directory can't be moved into one of its descendants). 209: Read only file (when writing into a file). 208: The directory is not empty (when deleting a directory). 207: Invalid attributes (when changing the attributes of a file/directory). 206: Invalid "." or ".." operation. 205: System file exists (when creating a file, any previously existing file is automatically deleted, except for the files having 'system' attribute set). 204: Directory already exists (same as with 'system' files). 203: File already exists (when creating a directory). 202: File is open (when deleting, renaming or moving a file, or when changing the file attribute with direct filename specification). 199: End of file is found (when reading from a file). 196: Too many opened files (when opening a file). 195: Invalid file number (greater than 63). 194: Invalid file number (not assigned to any opened file). 188: RAM disk already exists (when creating RAM disk). 187: RAM disk does not exist (when removing RAM disk). 5. GRAPHICS COMPRESSION AND DESCOMPRESSION NestorBASIC includes functions for compression of the graphic data from VRAM to RAM, and decompression from RAM to VRAM. The compression format is the one used by Sunrise to show their logo, it is byte-based and is as follows: - Unrepeated bytes (up to 63): &B00nnnnnn &Hdd .. &Hdd &Bnnnnnn is the number of bytes, &Hdd are the bytes - Repeated byte (up to 63 times): &B01nnnnnn &Hdd &Bnnnnnn is the number of times that the byte is repeated, &Hdd is the repeated byte - Repeated byte (up to 16383 times): &B10nnnnnn &Bnnnnnnnn &Hdd &Bnnnnnnnnnnnnnn is the number of times that the byte is repeated, &Hdd is the repeated byte - End of data mark: &B11000000 = &HC0 The (de)compression is performed through consecutive segments; that is, after (de)compressing from/to address &H3FFF of segment S, the process continues in address &H0000 of segment S+1. 5.1 ERRORS The following error codes can be returned by the graphics compression and decompression functions: -1: Error when compressing or decompressing. The specified segment does not exist, refers to VRAM or is the 255. Also, this error appears when an invalid VRAM address is specified in any input parameter. 5: Error when compressing. Segments have been depleted before having compressed all the required graphic data. 6: Error when decompressing. Invalid data found, or segments have been depleted without having the 'end of data' mark met. 6. STORING AND RUNNING BASIC PROGRAMS IN RAM NestorBASIC includes functions that let you store BASIC programs in any segment of RAM or VRAM, activate or execute them, without losing existing variables generated by original program (the one from which a new one was called). NOTE: To use these functions, the beginning address of BASIC programs in MSX-BASIC main RAM needs to be changed from &H8000 to &H8003; this operation must be done only once, BEFORE NestorBASIC is installed. You can do this in two different ways: - In direct mode, enter the following commands: POKE &HF676,4 POKE &H8003,0 NEW - From a BASIC program. This is the best way, because you can use the same program for performing this change and, after that, for loading NestorBASIC. The first line of the program must be as follows: 1 'program.bas 10 IF PEEK(&HF676)<>4 THEN POKE &HF676,4:POKE &H8003,0:RUN"program.bas" 20 'From here, you can load NestorBASIC When a BASIC program stored in a segment is going to be activated or executed, NestorBASIC saves all the existing variables to segment 4; then, new program is copied from the specified segment to the BASIC main RAM, all variables are placed after the program, and the appropriate pointers in the BASIC work area are updated. The last step is the execution of the new BASIC program from the first line, or a jump to the direct mode, depending on the called function (execution or activation of the program). If a BASIC program is intended for being stored in a segment and executed or activated with these functions, it must be stored with a special header with information about its length, which is needed in the process of concatenating the existing variables to the new program. There is a function that saves the current BASIC program with this header; later, just load this generated file in any segment with the disk access functions, and then you have the program stored and ready for being executed or activated. 6.1 ERRORS Clearly, if BASIC commands or lines following the USR-call that performs execution or activation of another BASIC program are being executed - it means an error encountered. Two errors are possible with the following codes: - Error -1, if specified segment does not exist. These functions work with VRAM segments, but not with segment 255. - Error -2, if there's not enough BASIC main RAM for a new program combined with the preexisting variables. This can happen if new program is bigger than the previous one. 7. MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS In this group there are various functions for the following purposes: - Machine code routines execution. Routines placed in BIOS, SUB-BIOS, BASIC main RAM, system work area or any segment (so called "user routines") may be executed. - Storage of string variables in RAM segments. - Screen print of a string variable in graphic mode. - SCREEN 0 blink mode management. - Defining user interrupts (machine code routines which will be executed, from any RAM segment, in each 50/60 Hz timer interrupt). - SEE 3.xx PSG sound effects playback. Some of these functions need a strings array, named F$, to pass parameters and return results, in addition to the integer array P. See section 4 for more details about array F$. Some of the NestorBASIC internal machine code routines can be used by user's machine language routines and by user defined 50/60Hz timer interrupt. See appendix 2 for a detailed description of these routines usage. The PSG sound effects editor SEE was created by Fuzzy Logic, and including the sound effects generated using this editor into commercial products implies a small fee in favor of the authors. See appendix 4 for more details. 8. MUSIC PLAYBACK 8.1. PLAYER INITIALIZATION NestorBASIC includes Moonblaster 1.4 and Moonblaster Wave version 1.05 for Moonsound musical players. These players are not automatically loaded along with NestorBASIC: due to its size, they don't fit into RAM segment of NestorBASIC, and must be loaded into a separate segment. Thus, to use a player, you have to load it explicitly. Only one player can be loaded at the same time. Function 71 loads and initializes the desired player, leaving it ready for use. This function checks if segment 5 exists and belongs to the primary mapper: in this case, player gets loaded into this segment, which will no longer be available for the user program. If segment 5 does not exist or does not belong to primary mapper, player will not be loaded, and the function will return an error. NBASIC.BIN file contains two versions of the Moonblaster Wave player: one is for MSX2/2+ and Turbo-R in Z80 mode, and the other is for Turbo-R in R800 mode. If the computer is a Turbo-R, NestorBASIC decides the version to be loaded according to the processor switched when function 71 is called. Note that if a processor change is performed, this function must be called again in order to load the appropriate player: Z80 version does not work in R800 mode, and R800 version makes the system slower in Z80 mode. When the player is installed, a sound chips search is done, and all found chips are marked as enabled. See function 73 description for more details about enabling and disabling the sound chips. 8.2. PLAYER CAPABILITIES Once the player is loaded, you can use the functions that NestorBASIC includes for the following purposes: - Start playing a music stored in any RAM segment (VRAM segments are not supported). - Stop playing a music being played. - Pause/continue the music being played. - Fade out the music being played, with specification of the fading speed. - Obtain various information about the music being played (segment and the beginning address, where music is stored, songname and samplekit or wavekit, current position and tempo). - Get the info on sound chips found. - Disable the sound chips, which in this case will not be used even if they have been detected. - Load a Music Module samplekit or a Moonsound wavekit from a file. While music is playing, all NestorBASIC functions can be used normally, including the PSG sound effects playback and user defined interrupts. If you unload NestorBASIC, the music playing at the moment stops automatically. Moonblaster 1.4 player fits in 4.5K, therefore the memory space from &H1200 to &H3FFF of segment 5 remains free and can be used, for example, to store the data of a sound track to be played. This is not the case with Moonblaster Wave player which itself occupies the whole segment 5. Moonblaster 1.4 soundtracks must be stored in a single segment, so its maximum length is 16K. Moonblaster Wave music can be stored through consecutive segments, maximum of 3: if in the process of parsing the soundtrack's data to play, NestorBASIC hits the address &H3FFF of a segment, it proceeds with 0 address of the next segment. In order to load a music through consecutive segments, the following sample code can be used: 1000 'Loading a music through consecutive segments, 1010 'starting in segment S, address A 1020 F$(0)="music.mwm":P(2)=S:P(3)=A 1030 E=USR(31):IF E<>0 THEN 10000 1040 P(4)=&H4000:E=USR(33) 1050 IF (E<>0 AND E<>1 AND E<>199) THEN 10000 1060 IF E=0 THEN P(2)=P(2)+1:P(3)=0:GOTO 1040 1070 E=USR(32):IF E<>0 THEN 10000 ... 10000 'Disk error E handling routine ... NOTE: A Moonblaster Wave music can start at any address of a segment, if it continues at the beginning of the next segment. However the first 800 bytes of the music, containing pattern table and various pointers, must be entirely stored in the first segment. 8.3 ERRORS The following error codes can be returned by the music playback functions: - Error 7, returned by sound chips activation function, pause function and fade out function, if any input parameter is invalid. - Error 12, returned by start playback function and sound chips enabling function, if player is not installed. The rest of the functions will not report any error, they'll just do nothing in this case. The following errors can be returned by the start playback function: -1: The specified segment does not exist, refers to VRAM or is the 255. 12: Player is not loaded. 13: The music was saved in EDIT mode and can't be played (Moonblaster 1.4 player). At the specified address there is no Moonblaster Wave music, or there is a Moonblaster Wave music saved in EDIT mode. (Moonblaster Wave player). 14: Other music is currently playing. Moonsound wavekit load function can return the following error, apart from disk access errors: 15: There's no Moonblaster wavekit in the current position of a specified file, or there is no wavekit saved in USER mode. NOTE: In fact, Moonblaster 1.4 player is unable to tell if the data at a given address is actually a Moonblaster 1.4 soundtrack, and relies totally on the first byte to detect whether this data is a Moonblaster music, saved in EDIT mode. Moonblaster Wave player doesn't have that flaw. The player initialization function returns the same error codes as the disk access functions, and the error code -1 if the segment 5 does not exist or does not belong to the primary mapper. 9. INTERACTION WITH NESTORMAN AND INTERNESTOR SUITE/LITE NestorBASIC has special functions that allow interaction with NestorMan (resident dynamic memory manager for MSX-DOS 2), InterNestor Suite (TCP/IP stack for MSX-DOS 2) and InterNestor Lite (TCP/IP stack for MSX-DOS 1/2), if these programs are installed. Therefore it is possibole to develop BASIC applications that use dynamic memory blocks and chained lists, as well as Internet based applications. To check if NestorMan and InterNestor Suite are installed, use function 81. The procedure for checking if InterNestor Lite is installed is detailed in section 9.4. Note: NestorMan and InterNestor Suite/Lite have their own manuals describing the functions and routines provided by each one. These programs are available for download at 9.1. NESTORBASIC SEGMENTS AND NESTORMAN SEGMENTS NestorMan uses a logical segments system very similar to the system used by NestorBASIC. Both segments space, NestorBASIC's and NestorMan's, are independent to each other, with the following exceptions: - Segments 0, 1, 2 and 3 are common to NestorBASIC and NestorMan (in NestorMan's manual these segments are referred to as "TPA segments"). - If NestorMan is present at the time when you install NestorBASIC, NestorBASIC logical segment 4 is not allocated using DOS 2 mapper support routines, as are the other segments. Instead, NestorMan function 7 is used for this; this way, NestorBASIC segment 4 has a NestorMan segment number assigned as well (this number can be obtained using NestorBASIC function 81). This segment is reserved with the "exclusive" attribute set, therefore it is not used by NestorMan for memory block reservations. If NestorMan and/or InterNestor Suite will be used together with NestorBASIC, it is recommended to limit the amount of RAM segments that NestorBASIC will use (use function 80 for this). Otherwise NestorBASIC will allocate for itself all the available RAM segments, and therefore NestorMan will not be able to perform RAM segments allocation (this is needed for memory block reservations, chained lists creation, and for sending/receiving data to/from Internet). To call NestorMan functions you can use function 82; or you can use function 58 specifying the extended BIOS hook (&HFFCA) as the calling address, &H2202 in the registers pair DE, and the function number in register C. See section 10 for the functions description. 9.2. DATA EXCHANGE BETWEEN NESTORBASIC AND NESTORMAN When using NestorMan from within NestorBASIC, normally you will need to perform data transfers between a NestorBASIC segment and a NestorMan segment. There are three ways to do this: 1) If the source or destination segment is a TPA segment (segment number between 0 and 3), it is sufficient to use the appropriate NestorMan function for data block transfer (function number 14), since NestorMan can see these segments. 2) NestorBASIC segment 4 can be used as an intermediate buffer for the transfer. For example, suppose a transfer from NestorBASIC to NestorMan. S1 is NestorBASIC source segment, S2 is NestorMan destination segment, and S3 is NestorMan segment number of NestorBASIC segment 4. Then, first you do a transfer S1->4 using NestorBASIC data transfer function (function number 10), and then you do a transfer S3->S2 using NestorMan data transfer function (function number 14). 3) NestorBASIC functions 83 and 84 are for data transfer from a NestorMan segment to a NestorBASIC segment and vice-versa. To read or write only one byte of data on a NestorMan segment, the easiest way is to use the functions that NestorMan provides for this purpose (function numbers 12 and 13). Remember that some NestorBASIC functions use segment 4 as a temporary data storage buffer. Refer to section 10 or appendix 1 to know which are these functions. 9.3. USING INTERNESTOR SUITE The procedures for using InterNestor Suite from NestorBASIC are similar to those for using NestorMan explained above. However the following should be noted: - Function 85 is for executing InterNestor Suite routines. - To read and write data on the InterNestor Suite segments (configuration constants and variables), first use function 81 to obtain the segment numbers of the InterNestor Suite modules (each module resides on a NestorMan segment), and from this point, use the data exchange procedures explained in previous section. - InterNestor Suite routines for reading/writing TCP data or UDP datagrams only allow the use of TPA segments as the source/destination for the data or the datagrams. For this purpose you can use the final portion of NestorBASIC segment (segment number 0) as intermediate storage buffer. This space will always be at least 600 bytes long, regardless of the NestorBASIC version being used; this is enough to store a standard datagram of up to 576 bytes (or to store up to 600 bytes of TCP data). The sample program TCPCON-S.BAS, supplied with NestorBASIC, illustrates the ensemble use of NestorBASIC and InterNestor Suite. 9.4. USING INTERNESTOR LITE InterNestor Lite is much simpler than InterNestor Suite, thus it's also easier to use it from within NestorBASIC. Only one function is provided (function 86), allowing the execution of any routine from InterNestor Lite code segment. To read or write to its data segment, you must use the GET_VAR, SET_VAR and COPY_DATA routines of the code segment. To determine whether InterNestor Lite is being run or not, use function 58 to issue a call to the extended BIOS hook (address &HFFCA), passing A=0 and DE=&H2203. If A<>0 at return, then InterNestor Lite being run. See the description of function 86 for details. Many of the InterNestor Lite routines use TPA addresses as the source or destination when exchanging data with applications. For these routines you can specify addresses above &H8000, that will refer to the BASIC main memory and the system work area; or addresses below &H4000, that will refer to NestorBASIC segment (segment number 0). At the end of the NestorBASIC segment there is a free area, the size of which varies depending on NestorBASIC version, but will never be less than 600 bytes, and it can be used as a temporary buffer for exchanging data with InterNestor Lite. In other words, you can use the space between H3DA8 and &H3FFF as the source or destination TPA area for a data exchange between NestorBASIC and InterNestor Lite. The sample program TCPCON-L.BAS, supplied with NestorBASIC, illustrates the ensemble use of NestorBASIC and InterNestor Lite. 9.5. ERRORS Function 86 (InterNestor Lite routine execution)returns error -1 if InterNestor Lite is not installed. Function 85 (InterNestor Suite routine execution) returns error -1 if InterNestor Suite is not installed, or if an invalid module number is specified in P(0) (valid module numbers are 1 to 4). Functions 83 and 84 (data transfer between a NestorMan segment and a NestorBASIC segment) return error -1 if a non existing NestorMan or NestorBASIC segment number is specified. VRAM segments and segment 255 can be used with these functions. Functions 80, 81 and 82 never return error. 10. NESTORBASIC FUNCTIONS 10.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION All the NestorBASIC functions available for the user are identified by the number passed as a parameter to the USR command. That is, to use the function number F, you just do USR(F), having in count that in case of using a variable and not an immediate value to specify the function, it has to be a variable of integer type. Parameters for the function must be set in the array P (and, in some cases, also in the array F$) before calling the function. Once executed, the function returns its results in that same arrays, P and/or F. Items of P and F$ matrices, not mentioned explicitly in the results list of a given function, are returned unmodified, except for the segment addresses; these are converted to the range &H0000-&H3FFF (but not for the segment 255). If function returned an error, results will not be valid (P and F$ remain unmodified), unless otherwise is stated in the description of the function. "VRAM block" corresponds to 64K lower VRAM (block 0) or to 64K upper VRAM (block 1). VRAM addresses are in range of &H0000-&HFFFF. If VRAM address surpasses &HFFFF due to an autoincrement, new address will be &H0000 and VRAM block will be inversed (from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0). The USR command returns an error code, or 0 if there is no errors. The errors, related to each specific group of functions, are described in their respective sections of the document. Appendix 1 contains a list of all available functions. Use it as a quick reference. Functions that use segment 4 have a "(S4)" mark after their name. These functions are: 0, 26-28, 30, 33-41, 55-57, 71, 78, and 79. 10.2. GENERAL FUNCTIONS * Function 0: NestorBASIC uninstallation (S4) Input: P(0) = 0 -> Don't free BASIC main RAM area reserved by NestorBASIC P(0) <>0 -> Free BASIC main RAM area reserved by NestorBASIC Out: - This function uninstalls NestorBASIC: releases USR and, in the case of DOS 2, deallocates all the allocated segments. Also, all interrupt-driven processes (user defined interrupt, PSG sound effects and music playback) get stopped. NestorBASIC should always be uninstalled before returning to DOS; otherwise, all the allocated RAM segments will not be released, and will therefore be unavailable until computer restarts. When you uninstall NestorBASIC, make sure that no files are still open. Otherwise, if you performed any file writing, you can lose some data in the internal DOS buffers. Additionally, in case of DOS 2, file descriptors are left open, wastingly. If P(0)=0 is specified, MSX-BASIC main RAM area occupied by jump routine (aprox. 500 bytes) will not be freed; thus, any memory reservation done with CLEAR statement after the installation of NestorBASIC remains valid. If P(0)<>0 is specified, a new CLEAR statement is automatically executed, and the highest RAM address available for BASIC programs and variables becomes the same as before NestorBASIC installation; that is, FRE(0) returns the same value as before NestorBASIC installation. Note that in this case variables are initialized. This function never returns error. * Function 1: Summary information on NestorBASIC and a specific RAM segment Input: P(0)= Logical segment to investigate Output: P(0) = Number of available RAM segments P(1) = NestorBASIC major version P(2) = NestorBASIC minor version, in BCD format (must be shown in hexadecimal format) P(3) = MSX-DOS major version P(4) = MSX-DOS minor version, in BCD format (must be shown in hexadecimal format) P(5) = Amount of memory occuped by NestorBASIC jump routine in BASIC main RAM P(6) = VRAM size in K (64 or 128) P(7) = Beginning address of the free area in segment 0 (&H3DA8 max) P(8) = Number of last function called P(9) = Number of currently opened files P(10)= Maximum number of simultaneously opened files (valid only under DOS 1) P(11)= Slot that contains the logical segment specified in P(0) (255 if this segment does not exist or refers to VRAM) P(12)= Physical segment number of the logical segment specified in P(0) F$(0)= Complete path to NBASIC.BIN file In case of DOS 2, the maximum number of simultaneously opened files depends on the state of DOS internal memory, but will never exceed 63. This function returns an error code of -1 if the logical segment specified in P(0) does not exist, refers to VRAM or is the 255. However, even in this case the results returned in P(0) to P(10) will be valid. The number returned in P(0) by this function is the same as the number returned in P(0) by function 80; that is, it is the number of segments allocated by NestorBASIC. By default (if function 80 has never been called after installing NestorBASIC), NestorBASIC allocates for itself all the available RAM segments (up to 247) at installation time. F$(0) will be just a drive letter and a colon under DOS 1 (for example "A:"), and a drive+directory finished with "\" under DOS 2 (for example "C:\UTILS\AMAZING\"). Address returned in P(7) depends on NestorBASIC version, but it will always be less or equal to &H3DA8; that is, at least 600 bytes will be always available at the end of NestorBASIC segment. This area may be used, for example, for temporary storage of TCP data or a UDP datagram when using InterNestor Suite with NestorBASIC. NOTE: Due to a bug, in P(7) function returns an address belonging to page 1, e.g. &H7C60. It has to be adapted to the range &H0000 - &H4000, if it's gonna be used. P(8) returns the number of the last function called, but function 1 itself is not counted. So if you call, for example, functions 64, 3, 10, 1, 1, 1 in sequence, you will obtain P(8)=10 at the end. A value of zero means that no functions were called other than function 1 since NestorBASIC was installed. 10.3. FUNCTIONS FOR LOGICAL SEGMENTS ACCESS * Function 2: Read a byte from a segment Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = The byte received * Function 3: Read a byte from a segment with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = The byte received P(1) = P(1) + 1 * Function 4: Read an integer (2 bytes) from a segment Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = The integer received Low byte is read from address P(1), and high byte from address P(1)+1. * Function 5: Read an integer (2 bytes) from a segment with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = The integer received P(1) = P(1) + 2 Low byte is read from address P(1), and high byte from address P(1)+1. * Function 6: Write a byte to a segment Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address P(2) = Byte to be written Output: - * Function 7: Write a byte to a segment with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address P(2) = Byte to be written Output: P(1) = P(1) + 1 * Function 8: Write an integer (2 bytes) to a segment Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address P(2) = Integer to be written Output: - Low byte is written to address P(1), and high byte to address P(1)+1. * Function 9: Write an integer (2 bytes) to a segment with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address P(2) = Integer to be written Output: P(1) = P(1) + 2 Low byte is written to address P(1), and high byte to address P(1)+1. * Function 10: Data block transfer between segments Input: P(0) = Source segment P(1) = Source start address P(2) = Destination segment P(3) = Destination start address P(4) = Data length P(5)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(1) P(6)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(3) Output: P(1) = P(1) + P(4) if P(5)<>0 P(3) = P(3) + P(4) if P(6)<>0 P(3)+P(4) must be lower than &H4000, otherwise the result is unpredictable. * Function 11: Fill a RAM area with a byte Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Begin address P(2) = Byte P(3) = Area length Output: - P(1)+P(3) must be lower than &H4000, otherwise the result is unpredictable. * Function 12: Fill a RAM zone with a byte with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Begin address P(2) = Byte P(3) = Area length Output: P(1) = P(1) + P(3) P(1)+P(3) must be lower than &H4000, otherwise the result is unpredictable. 10.4. FUNCTIONS FOR VRAM ACCESS * Function 13: Read a byte from VRAM Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = Readed byte * Function 14: Read a byte from VRAM with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = Readed byte P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + 1 * Function 15: Read an integer (2 bytes) from VRAM Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = Readed integer Low byte is read from address P(1), and high byte from address P(1)+1. * Function 16: Read an integer (2 bytes) from VRAM with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address Output: P(2) = Readed integer P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + 2 Low byte is read from address P(1), and high byte from address P(1)+1. * Function 17: Write a byte to VRAM Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address P(2) = Byte to be written Output: - * Function 18: Write a byte to VRAM with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address P(2) = Byte to be written Output: P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + 1 * Function 19: Write an integer (2 bytes) to VRAM Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address P(2) = Integer to be written Output: - Low byte is written to address P(1), and high byte to address P(1)+1. * Function 20: Write an integer (2 bytes) to VRAM with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Address P(2) = Integer to be written Output: P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + 2 Low byte is written to address P(1), and high byte to address P(1)+1. * Function 21: Data block transfer from VRAM to RAM Input P(0) = Source VRAM block P(1) = Source start address (VRAM) P(2) = Destination segment P(3) = Destination start address (RAM) P(4) = Block length P(5)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(1) P(6)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(3) Output: P(1) = P(1) + P(4) if P(5)<>0 P(2):P(3) = P(2):P(3) + P(4) if P(6)<>0 P(3)+P(4) must be lower than &H4000, otherwise the result is unpredictable. * Function 22: Data block transfer from RAM to VRAM Input: P(0) = Source segment P(1) = Source start address (RAM) P(2) = Destination VRAM block P(3) = Destination start address (VRAM) P(4) = Block length P(5)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(1) P(6)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(3) Output: P(1) = P(1) + P(4) if P(5)<>0 P(2):P(3) = P(2):P(3) + P(4) if P(6)<>0 * Function 23: Data block tranfer between VRAM Input: P(0) = Source VRAM block P(1) = Source start address P(2) = Destination VRAM block P(3) = Destination start address P(4) = Block length (maximum &H4000) P(5)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(1) P(6)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(3) Output: P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + P(4) if P(5)<>0 P(2):P(3) = P(2):P(3) + P(4) if P(6)<>0 If P(4) is greatest than &H4000 only &H4000 bytes will be transferred, and the addresses increment will be also limited to &H4000, but P(4) will not be modified. Thus, for transferring largest blocks (up to 64K) in a easy way you can do something like the following: 10 'P(0) to P(3) already set. Data block length set in L. 20 P(5)=1:P(6)=1 30 P(4)=VAL("&H"+HEX$(L)):J=USR(23):L=L-&H4000:IF L>0 THEN 30 The decimal to hexadecimal and further hexadecimal to decimal conversion of L is needed due to the integer variables range in BASIC: -32768 to 32767; if a biggest number is directly assigned to P(4), an overflow error will be generated. Since TurboBASIC manages floating point variables in a special way, if you use this method inside a turbo block, L must be an integer multiply of 256. * Function 24: Fill a VRAM zone with a byte Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Start address P(2) = Byte P(3) = Zone length (maximum 16K) Output: - For fill a zone largest than 16K, use the method described in function 23. * Function 25: Fill a VRAM zone with a byte with address autoincrement Input: P(0) = VRAM block P(1) = Start address P(2) = Byte P(3) = Zone length (maximum 16K) Output: P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + P(3) For fill a zone largest than 16K, use the method described in function 23. 10.5. DISK ACCESS FUNCTIONS * Function 26: Search for a file (S4) Input: F$(1) = Searching mask (empty string="*.*") P(0) = 0 -> Seacrh for first mactching filename P(0) = 1 -> Seacrh for next matching filename P(1) = Search attributes: 2*H + 4*S + 8*V + 16*D H = 1 -> Include hidden files in the search S = 1 -> Include system files in the search V = 1 -> Search only the volume label D = 1 -> Include subdirectories in the search Output: F$(0) = Found filename P(0) = 1 P(1) = File attributes (always 0 under DOS 1): R + 2*H + 4*S + 8*V + 16*D + 32*A R = 1 -> Read only H = 1 -> Hidden S = 1 -> System V = 1 -> Volume label D = 1 -> Directory A = 1 -> Archive P(2) = Hour of creation/last modification (0 to 23) P(3) = Minute of creation/last modification (0 to 59) P(4) = Day of creation/last modification (1 to 31) P(5) = Month of creation/last modification (1 to 12) P(6) = Year of creation/last modification (1980 to 2079) P(7) = First cluster (2 to 4095) P(8) = Logical drive (0=A:,...,7=H:) P(9) = File length (lower part) P(10) = File length (higher part) P(11) = 0, if searching first no file is found 1, if searching first a file is found P(11), if searching next no file is found P(11)+1, if searching next a file is found F$(1) can include a drive letter and, in the case of DOS 2, a pathname; F$(0) will contain only the filename found. P(0) must be set to 0 to search the first filename matching the specified mask, and must be left to 1 to search the following filenames. This is done automatically by the function (P(0) is always set to 1). Besides, P(11) is set to 1 when the first filename is searched (0 if none is found), and is increased automatically in each successive search. Thus, to search all the matching filenames you can use a loop like the following one: 10 'Search of all the filenames in drive B: (default directory) 20 F$(1)="B:":P(0)=0:P(1)=2+16 'Include directories and hidden files 30 IF USR(26)<>0 THEN PRINT:PRINT"Total found:";P(11):END 40 PRINT F$(0),CHR$(-ASC("h")*((P(1)AND2)<>0)); CHR$(-ASC("d")*((P(1)AND16)<>0)); CHR$(-ASC("a")*((P(1)AND32)<>0)):GOTO 30 When there is no more matching files/directories remaining, the function will return the "File not found" error. Under DOS 1, an error when searching the first matching filename may also mean an invalid drive or filename specification in the input mask (under DOS 2, these errors have its own error code). To obtain the file length, use the expression P(9)+65536*P(10). When printing these lengths in the screen, remember that the numeric variables screen representation is different for BASIC and TurboBASIC when the number is big; therefore, it is better to print the file size in K: INT(P(9)/1024)+64*P(10). * Function 27: Rename a file (S4) Input: F$(0) = File name F$(1) = New file name Output: - F$(0) can include a drive letter and, in the case of DOS 2, also a pathname; F$(1) must contain only the new filename. Under DOS 1 you can rename several files at the same time by using wildcards; under DOS 2 you can rename only one file at the same time. * Function 28: Delete a file Input: F$(0) = File name Output: - F$(0) can include a drive letter and, in the case of DOS 2, a pathname. Under DOS 2 this function will return an error if you try to delete an open file. Under DOS 1 you can delete opened files, but this is not advisable because further attempts to access this file may cause unpredictable results. Under DOS 1 you can delete several files at the same time by using wildcards; under DOS 2 you can delete only one file at the same time. * Function 29: Move a file (DOS 2) Input: F$(0) = File name F$(1) = New file location Output: - This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. F$(0) can include a drive letter and a pathname. F$(1) can not include a filename (the file is always moved with the same name) nor a drive letter (a file can be moved only to other directory on the same drive). If you specify a directory instead of a file in F$(0), all its subdirectories and contained files will also be moved. * Function 30: Create a file or directory Input: F$(0) = Name of the file or subdirectory P(0) = Creation attributes (ignored under DOS 1): R + 2*H + 4*S when creating a file; 2*H + 16 when create a directory. R = 1 -> Read only H = 1 -> Hidden S = 1 -> System F$(0) can include a drive letter and a pathname. The file will be created with a length of 0 bytes, and will not remain open: for accessing the file, it must be first explicitly opened (use function 31 to open a file). Under DOS 1 you can only create files, and P(0) is ignored. Under DOS 2 the files are always created with the "Archive" attribute set, in addition to the attributes specified in P(0). * Function 31: Open a file Input: F$(0) = File name Output: P(0) = Number assigned to the file F$(0) can contain a drive letter and, in the case of DOS 2, also a pathname. The number returned in P(0) identifies the file, and must be specified in further calls to the file access functions. The concrete value of this number depends on the DOS version and the number of previously opened and closed files: don't rely on it as a reference of the number of currently opened files (use function 1 to obtain the number of currently opened files). Under DOS 1 an error code of 3 will be returned if there is already too many opened files. Use function 1 to obtain the maximum number of simultaneously opened files under DOS 1. * Function 32: Close a file Input: P(0) = File number Output: - It is very important to close a file that will no longer be accessed: otherwise, if the file has been written you can lose some data in the DOS internal buffers; besides, in this case the directory entry of the file will not be updated. * Function 33: Read from a file (S4) Input: P(0) = File number P(2) = Destination segment P(3) = Destination start address P(4) = Number of bytes to read P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = Number of bytes actually read P(3) = P(3)+P(4) if P(6)<>0 P(3)+P(4) must be lowest than &H4000, otherwise the result is unpredictable. The file is read from the position indicated by its file pointer; this pointer is automatically increased after the read. To examinate or modify a file pointer, use function 42. To read till the end of the file, or to read the whole file if it is shorter that 16K, just try to read 16K (set P(4)=&H4000), and ignore the returned error if it is 1 or 199: for this function, these errors mean only that the end of the file has been reached. If the end of the file is reached before having read P(4) bytes an error will be returned; to obtain the number of read bytes look at P(7). If no error is returned, P(7) will have the same value as P(4); in the case of a physical error (bad FAT, physical disk error or disk offline), P(7) will always be 0. * Function 34: Read from a file to VRAM (S4) Input: P(0) = File number P(2) = Destination VRAM block P(3) = Destination start address P(4) = Number of bytes to read (maximum &H4000) P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = Number of bytes actually read P(2):P(3) = P(2):P(3)+P(4) if P(6)<>0 If P(4) is greater than &H4000, only &H4000 bytes will be read, and the address increment will also be limited to &H4000, but P(4) will not be modified. Thus, to read larger blocks (up to 64K) you can use the method described in function 23. See function 33 for explanations about the file pointer and the value returned in P(7). * Function 35: Read disk sectors (S4) Input: P(0) = Drive (0=A:,...,7=H:) P(1) = First sector number P(2) = Destination segment P(3) = Destination start address P(4) = Number of sectors to read (maximum 32) P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = P(4)*512 (0 in error condition) P(3) = P(3)+P(4)*512 if P(6)<>0 P(3)+P(4)*512 must be lower than &H4000, otherwise the result is unpredictable. This function does not support partial readings: if there is no error, P(7) will return the number of read bytes, that is, P(4)*512; but in case of error P(7) will be always 0. If P(6)<>0, P(3) will be increased by the number of readed bytes (P(7) or 0). * Function 36: Read disk sectors to VRAM (S4) Input: P(0) = Drive (0=A:,...,7=H:) P(1) = First sector number P(2) = Destination VRAM block P(3) = Destination begin address P(4) = Number of sectors to read (maximum 32) P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = P(4)*512 (0 in error condition) P(3) = P(3)+P(4)*512 if P(6)<>0 If P(4) is greater than 32 only 32 sectors (&H4000 bytes) will be read, and the address increment will also be limited to &H4000, but P(4) will not be modified. Thus, to read larger blocks (up to 64K) you can use the method described in function 23. See function 35 for an explanation about the value returned in P(7). * Function 37: Write to a file (S4) Input: P(0) = File number P(2) = Source segment P(3) = Source start address P(4) = Number of bytes to be written P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = Number of bytes actually written P(3) = P(3)+P(4) si P(6)<>0 P(3)+P(4) must be lower than &H4000, otherwise the data written to the file is unpredictable. Data is written to the file from the position indicated by its file pointer; this pointer is automatically increased after the writing. For examinate or modify a file pointer use function 42. In the case of a physical error (bad FAT, physical disk error or disk offline) P(7) will always be 0. * Function 38: Write to a file from VRAM (S4) Input: P(0) = File number P(2) = Source VRAM block P(3) = Source start address P(4) = Number of bytes to be written (maximum &H4000) P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = Number of bytes actually written P(2):P(3) = P(2):P(3)+P(4) if P(6)<>0 If P(4) is greater than &H4000, only &H4000 bytes will be written, and the address increment will also be limited to &H4000, but P(4) will not be modified. Thus, to write larger blocks (up to 64K) you can use the method described in function 23. See function 37 for an axplanation about the file pointer. * Function 39: Write to disk sectors (S4) Input: P(0) = Drive (0=A:,...,7=H:) P(1) = First sector number P(2) = Source segment P(3) = Source start address P(4) = Number of sectors to be written (maximum 32) P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = P(4)*512 (0 in error condition) P(3) = P(3)+P(4)*512 if P(6)<>0 P(3)+P(4)*512 must be lowest than &H4000, otherwise the written data is unpredictable. This function does not supports partial writes: if there is no error, P(7) will return the number of written bytes, that is, P(4)*512; but in case of error P(7) will be always 0. If P(6)<>0, P(3) will be increased by the number of written bytes (P(7) or 0). * Function 40: Write to disk sectors from VRAM (S4) Input: P(0) = Drive (0=A:,...,7=H:) P(1) = First sector number P(2) = Source VRAM block P(3) = Source start address P(4) = Number of sectors to be written (maximum 32) P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = P(4)*512 (0 in error condition) P(3) = P(3)+P(4)*512 si P(6)<>0 If P(4) is greatest than 32 only 32 sectors (&H4000 bytes) will be written, and the address increment will also be limited to &H4000, but P(4) will not be modified. Thus, to write largest blocks (up to 64K) you can use the method described in function 23. See function 39 for an explanation about the value returned in P(7). * Function 41: Fill a file with one byte (S4) Input: P(0) = File number P(1) = Byte P(4) = length (maximum &H4000) Output: P(7) = Number of bytes actually written This function just writes P(4) bytes equal to the value indicated in P(1) in segment 4, beginning at address 0, and then calls function 37 with P(2)=4 and P(3)=0. Thus, all the explanations given in function 37 are also valid here. * Function 42: Move a file pointer Input: P(0) = File number P(1) = Moving method: 0 -> Relative to the beginning of the file 1 -> Relative to the current position of the pointer 2 -> Relative to the end of the file P(2) = Signed offset (lower part) P(3) = Signed offset (higher part) Output: P(4) = New file pointer position (lower part) P(5) = New file pointer position (higher part) TO set P(2) and P(3) with an offset D greater than 32768 or lower than 0 you must use the followin formula: P(3)=INT(D/65536):P(2)=VAL("&H"+HEX$(D-(P2*65536))) and to obtain the new pointer P: P=P(4)-(65536*(P(4)<0))+65536!*P(5) Since TurboBASIC manages floating point variables in a special way, if you use these expressions inside a turbo block, D must be an integer multiply of 256. To obtain the current file pointer position, just use this function with P(1)=1, P(2)=0 and P(3)=0; to obtain the file length, use it with P(1)=2, P(2)=0 and P(3)=0. In the first case the file pointer remains unmodified. Rememeber that the offset is interpreted as a signed number. Therefore, when using this function note with the following: - If you use this function with P(1)=0, the offset must be positive. Otherwise, further access to the file will have unpredictable results. - If you use this function with P(1)=1, a positive offset will cause the file pointer to advance; a negative offset will cause the file pointer to move back. - If you use this function with P(1)=2, the offset should normally be negative; otherwise, the file pointer will be placed beyond the file length. In this case, a further read of the file will cause an "End of file" error (0 bytes will be read), and a write to the file will cause the space between the end of the file and the position indicated by the file pointer to be filled with zeros. * Function 43: Obtain the default drive and the available drives vector Input: - Output: P(0) = Default drive (0=A:,...,7=H:) P(1) = Available drives vector The available drives vector is a byte that contains, in each bit, information about the existence of each drive letter (bit=1: exists, bit=0: does not exist); the lower bit refers to drive A: and the upper bit refers to drive H:. For example, if the function returns P(1)=&B01000011, then the available drives are A:, B: and G:. * Function 44: Set the default drive Input: P(0) = Drive to be set (0=A:,...,7=H:) Output: - This function returns the error code 62 to an attempt of setting an invalid drive (not available or higher than 7). * Function 45: Obtain disk space information Input: P(0) = Drive (0=Default drive, 1=A:,...,8=H:) Output: P(1) = Sectors per cluster P(2) = Total number of clusters (maximum 4096) P(3) = Number of free clusters The free space in bytes can be obtained with the expression P(1)*P(3)*512, or in K with P(1)*P(3)/2; and the same for the total disk capacity, using P(2) instead of P(3). This function returns the error code 62 to an attempt of obtaining information for an invalid drive (not available or higher than 8). * Function 46: Obtain the default directory (DOS 2) Input: P(0) = Drive (0=Default drive, 1=A:,...,8=H:) Output: F$(0)= Default directory This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. The returned string will not include drive letter, nor "\" at the beginning nor at the end; thus, the root directory will be represented as an empty string. * Function 47: Set the default directory (DOS 2) Input: F$(0) = Drive (optional) + directory Output: - This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. This function will not change the default drive, to do this you must use function 44. * Function 48: Obtain the RAM disk size (DOS 2) Input: - Output: P(0) = RAM disk size in 16K segments This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. To obtain the RAM disk size in K just do P(0)*16. A size of zero means that the RAM disk dones not exist. * Function 49: Create the RAM disk (DOS 2) Input: P(0) = Size required in 16K segments Output: P(0) = Size of the RAM disk created in 16K segments This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. Since by dafault NestorBASIC allocates all the available free RAM segments when it is installed, before this function is called function 80 should be used to reduce the number of segmens allocated by NestorBASIC; otherwise, no free segments for creating the RAM disk will be available (unless the computer has more than 4M RAM). If there are not P(0) free segments but it is possible to create a smaller RAM disk, the function will do it and will not return error; P(0) will return the size of the RAM disk created. But if there are no available segments at all and the RAM disk has not been created, the function will return the appropriate error code. * Function 50: Obtain the attributes byte for a file (DOS 2) Input: P(0) = File number, or P(0) = 255 and F$(0) = File name Output: P(1) = Attributes byte: R + 2*H + 4*S + 8*V + 16*D + 32*A R = 1 -> Read only H = 1 -> Hidden S = 1 -> System V = 1 -> Volume label D = 1 -> Directory A = 1 -> Archive This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. If P(0)=255, the attributes byte for the file with the name specified in F$(0) will be obtained (F$(0) can contain a drive letter and a pathname); otherwise, the attributes byte for the file previously opened and with the number P(0) assigned will be obtained. * Function 51: Set the attributes byte for a file (DOS 2) Input: P(0) = File number, or P(0) = 255 and F$(0) = File name P(1) = New attributes byte: R + 2*H + 4*S + 8*V + 16*D + 32*A R = 1 -> Read only H = 1 -> Hidden S = 1 -> System V = 1 -> Volume label D = 1 -> Directory A = 1 -> Archive Output: P(1) = New attributes byte actually set for the file This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. If P(0)=255, the attributes byte for the file with the name specified in F$(0) will be set (F$(0) can contain a drive letter and a pathname); elotherwise, the attributes byte for the file opened and with the P(0) number assigned will be set. It is not possible to set the attributes byte of an opened file by specifying its filename in F$(0); if you try to do this, an error will be generated. If the file is open, you must specify its file number in P(0). The only attributes than can be modified for a file are the system, hidden, read only and archive; and for a directory, only the hidden. If you try to change any other attribute, you will obtain an error. You can't change the attributes for the "." and ".." entries. * Function 52: Parse pathname (DOS 2) Input: F$(0) = Pathname to be parsed P(10)<>0 if the pathname refers to a volume label Output: F$(1) = Last item of the pathname P(8) = Logical drive number (1=A:,...,8=H:) P(9) = Position in the pathname string of the last item (0 if there is not last item) The following results set to -1 if the specified condition mets, otherwise set to 0: P(0) The pathname contains characters other than the drive letter P(1) A directory is specified in the pathname P(2) A drive letter is specified in the pathname P(3) A file name is specified in the pathname P(4) A file extension is specified in the pathname P(5) The last element is ambiguous P(6) The last element is "." or ".." P(7) The last element is ".." This function is only available under DOS 2. Under DOS 1 will always return the error code 1. This function just treats the input string returning the specified results. No disk accesses are done, and the default drive/directory are not modified. If only a drive letter is specified, or if the last character of the string is the directory separator character "\", then there is no "last item" on the string; then P(9) will be 0 and F$(1) will be an empty string. Example: for F$(0) = "A:\DIR\FILES\ONEFI.LE", the last element, returned in F$(1), will be "ONEFI.LE", and P(9) will be 14. If the pathname does not contain a drive letter, the current default drive will be returned in P(2). Therefore, P(2) will never be zero. If P(10)<>0 is specified, P(1) and P(4) to P(7) will always be zero. 10.6. FUNCTIONS FOR GRAPHIC COMPRESSION AND DECOMPRESSION * Function 53: Compression of graphic data Input: P(0) = Source VRAM block P(1) = Source start address (VRAM) P(2) = First destination segment P(3) = Destination start address (RAM) P(4) = Size of the VRAM data to be compressed P(5) = Increase P(1) if <>0 P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = Size in RAM of the compressed data P(8) = Number of used RAM segments P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + P(4) if P(5)<>0 P(2):P(3) = RAM address next to the last one used, if P(6)<>0 Compression is done through consecutive segments: after writting compressed data in the address &H3FFF of the segment S, the writting of the generated data continues on address &H0000 of the segment S+1. If this situation is done but the S+1 segment does not exists, an error 5 will be generated. This function does not supports VRAM segments, nor the segment 255. If the last used RAM address is the &H3FFF of the segment S and P(6)<>0, then P(2) will be S+1 and P(3) will be 0 at the end. In such situation, if S was the last available RAM segment, P(2) will be zero at the end. * Function 54: Decompression of graphic data Input: P(0) = Destination VRAM block P(1) = Destination start address (VRAM) P(2) = First source segment P(3) = Source start address (RAM) P(5) = Increase P(1) if <>0 P(6) = Increase P(3) if <>0 Output: P(7) = Size in VRAM of the decompressed image P(8) = Number of used RAM segments P(0):P(1) = P(0):P(1) + P(7) if P(5)<>0 P(2):P(3) = RAM address next to the last one used, if P(6)<>0 Decompression process is done through consecutive segments: after decompressing data stored in the address &H3FFF of segment S, the reading of the compressed data continues from the address &H0000 of segment S+1. If this situation is done but segment S+1 does not exist, or if invalid data is found in the compressed data, error 6 will be generated. This function does not support VRAM segments, nor the segment 255. If the last used RAM address is the &H3FFF of the segment S and P(6)<>0, then P(2) will be S+1 and P(3) will be 0 at the end. In such situation, if S was the last available RAM segment, P(2) will be zero at the end. 10.7. FUNCTIONS FOR THE EXECUTION OF BASIC PROGRAMS * Function 55: Execution of a BASIC program stored in a segment (S4) Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Start address Output: - VERY IMPORTANT: For using this function you must change the BASIC programs begin address. See section 6 for more details. This function executes the BASIC program stored in the specified segment. The program must be stored beginning in the P(1) specified address of the P(0) segment, with the following format: +&H0000: Not used by NestorBASIC. You can use it, for example, for inserting an identification byte. +&H0001: Last program address +1, in the range &H8000-&HBFFF; low byte. +&H0002: Idem, high byte. +&H0003: Here starts the program data. All the exisiting numeric variables of the caller BASIC program will be transferred to the new program. You can use this function from inside a turbo block, but in such case the only transferred variables will be the integer variables defined outside of the turbo block and passed to it with CALL TURBO ON (variable, ..., array(), ...). The string variables stored in the BASIC string area will also be transferred, but the strings defined directly in the BASIC text reside inside the own BASIC program data, and will be lost. For being sure that a string is stored inside the BASIC string area, do the following operation: C$=C$+"". Of course, the most practical way for managing it is to group all the string variables into a string array (for example F$), then this operation can be done with a loop. This function will return the error code -1 if a non existing segment is specified, or if the segment 255 is specified, and error code -2 if the BASIC main RAM is not large enough to store the new program and the existing variables. This situation may arise if the new program is larger than the caller program, but if the lengths difference is not very big and the number of variables is reasonably small you should not reach this situation. * Function 56: Activation of a BASIC program stored in a segment (S4) Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Begin address Output: - VERY IMPORTANT: For using this function you must change the BASIC programs begin address. See section 6 for more details. This function acts like function 55, with the following difference: once the new program is placed in RAM an the variables are placed after it, the new program is not executed, and the BASIC interpreter returns to the direct mode. Except for this, the functionality is the same, as well as the error conditions and error codes. * Function 57: Save a BASIC program with a special header (S4) Input: P(0) = Byte to be saved in the first header position (not used by NestorBASIC) F$(0) = Pathname + filename Output: P(1) = -1 -> No error <> -1 -> A disk error occurred, and the file remains open with this number; look at the value returned by the USR command for the error code, as usual. VERY IMPORTANT: For using this function you must change the BASIC programs begin address. See section 6 for more details. This function saves the active BASIC program in the specified file, with the appropriate header for being executed or activated with functions 55 or 56 (see function 55 for details about this header). The use of this function simplifies the conversion of BASIC normal programs to the appropriate format required by function 55; this conversion is then reduced to this: load"prog.bas" 'Load the BASIC program F$(0)="":?USR(57) 'Save the BASIC program with the header '(setting P(0) is optional) Once saved in this way, loading and executing the program is easy: 1000 'Open, read to segment S and close 1001 F$(0)="":?USR(31):P(2)=S:P(3)=0:P(4)=&H4000:?USR(33):?USR(32) ... 10000 'Execution of the program (error treatment is optional) 10001 P(0)=S:P(1)=0:IF USR(55)=-1 THEN PRINT "ERROR: Non existing segment!" ELSE PRINT "ERROR: Out of memory!" 10002 END Using function 56 instead of function 55 you can load programs saved with the header if you don't have a copy in normal BASIC format (LOADable). Of course, you can also use the normal disk access functions to save the program, but in this case you must create the header manually: POKE &H8000,P(0) 'Data not used by NestorBASIC POKE &H8001,PEEK(&HF6C2) POKE &H8002,PEEK(&HF6C3) 'Save from &H8000 to PEEK(&H8001)+256*PEEK(&H8002) to the file The error codes returned by this function are the same as the ones returned by the disk access functions (see section 4). If a disk error caused the file to remain open, P(1) will contain the associated file number; otherwise, P(1) will be -1. 10.8. MISCELLAENOUS FUNCTIONS * Function 58: Execution of a machine code routine placed on BIOS, SUB-BIOS, BASIC main RAM or system work area Input: P(0) = 0 to execute a routine placed on BIOS, BASIC main RAM or system work area <> 0 to execute a SUB-BIOS routine P(1) = Begin address of the routine P(2) to P(11) = Input registers for the routine: P(2) = AF P(8) = AF' P(3) = BC P(9) = BC' P(4) = DE P(10)= DE' P(5) = HL P(11)= HL' P(6) = IX P(7) = IY Output: P(2) to P(12) = Output registers of the routine, with the same assignment as in the input, plus the following ones: P(12) = A P(13) = Cy flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) P(14) = Z flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) With this function you can execute machine code routines placed on BIOS, SUB-BIOS, BASIC main RAM or system work area, having defined previously the registers input state using the array P; after the routine execution, the registers output contents will also be set in array P in the same way. If P(0)=0 at input, this function will execute directly the machine code routine placed at the address specified in P(1), without doing any slot or segment switching. This means that this way you can execute BIOS routines (if the routine address is in the range 0-&H3FFF), routines loaded in BASIC RAM by user (for example with BLOAD), and routines placed in page 3 system work area (for example the extended BIOS hook, at address &HFFCA). Note however that when this function is executed, NestorBASIC segment will be switched on page 1. This implies that it is not possible to directly execute ruotines placed at the BASIC interpreter ROM. To execute such routines, use the BIOS routine CALBAS (&H0159), which accepts in IX the address of the BASIC interpreter routine to be called. If P(0)<>0 at input, the SUB-BIOS routine whose address is specified in P(1) will be executed; in this case, an error code -1 will be returned if an address higher than &H3FFF is specified. To perform the SUB-BIOS call, the BIOS routine EXTROM is used, so the input contents of the IX register [variable P(6)] will be lost. The value returned in P(12) will be the same as the value returned in the high byte of P(2). Likewise, the values returned in P(13) and P(14) will indicate the state of bits 0 and 6, respectively, of the low byte of P(2). Since normally one wants to retrieve the value returned in A register by itself or the output value of the flags Cy and Z by themselves, rather than the complete AF pair, using P(12) to P(14) will be more convenient than using P(2) when looking at the output registers. However, when establishing the input value for A and the flags you need to use P(2), you can't use P(12). You can calculate the value to set up in P(2) with the following formula: P(2) = Cy + 2*N + 4*P/V + 16*H + 64*Z + 128*M + 256*A * Function 59: User machine code routine execution (machine code routine stored in a RAM segment) Input: P(0) = Segment in which the routine is stored P(1) = Start address of the routine P(2) to P(11) = Input registers for the routine: P(2) = AF P(8) = AF' P(3) = BC P(9) = BC' P(4) = DE P(10)= DE' P(5) = HL P(11)= HL' P(6) = IX P(7) = IY Output: P(2) to P(12) = Output registers of the routine, with the same assignment as in the input, plus the following ones: P(12) = A P(13) = Cy flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) P(14) = Z flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) Using this function you can execute a machine code routine previously loaded in a RAM segment, having defined the registers input state using the array P; after the execution, the registers output contents will also be set in the array P in the same way. The specified segment will be switched in page 2 for the execution of the routine, therefore the routine must have been assembled in the addresses range &H8000-&HBFFF. When the routine is executed, BIOS is connected and available in page 0, and NestorBASIC segment is available in page 1. This state must be restored by the routine itself before returning, if segment/slot switchings are done. Some of the internal NestorBASIC routines and variables (for RAM and VRAM management, and for obtaining information about the interrupt process, amongst others) can be used by the user machine code routines. In appendix 2 you can find the list and detailed description of these routines and variables. See also the function 58 description for considerations about the output values of P(12) to P(14). This function does not support VRAM segments nor the segment 255, and will return the error -1 if a non existing segment is specified in P(0). * Function 60: Print a string in graphic mode Input: F$(0) = String Output: - This function works only in SCREEN 5 to 11 modes, and is equivalent to the PRINT#1,F$(0) command, having executed previously OPEN"GRP:"AS#1. The difference is that this function is TurboBASIC compatible. If executed in other graphic modes this function will do nothing, but will never return an error. The maximum length of the string is 80 characters; if F$(0) is larger, only the first 80 characters will be printed. The string can't contain any character 0, because this code is interpreted as the end of the string. * Function 61: Store a string in a segment Input: F$(0) = String P(0) = Segment P(1) = Begin address P(2) = Increase P(1) if <>0 Output: P(1) = P(1) + LEN(F$(0)) + 1 if P(2)<>0 This function copies the string F$(0) to the specified address of the specified segment. The string is stored with a character 0 at the end, so LEN(F$(0))+1 bytes will be occuped. The maximum length of the string is 80 characters; if F$(0) is largest, only the first 80 characters will be copied. The string can't contain any character 0, because this code is interpreted as the end of the string. This function will return the error -1 if a non exisiting segment is specified in P(0). * Function 62: Restore a string stored in a segment Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Begin address P(2) = Increase P(1) if <>0 Output: F$(1) = String P(1) = P(1) + LEN(F$(1)) + 1 if P(2)<>0 This function sets in F$(1) the string stored from the specified address of the specified segment. The string is considered finished when a 0 character is found, or when 80 characters have been copied to F$(1). If this function is executed from normal BASIC, the string can't contain the character 255, because if found, this character will be converted to the character 34 (quotation marks); this is due to the strings assignation method of BASIC, that requires a special treatment for the quotation marks. This does not happen when using TurboBASIC. This function will return the error -1 if a non exisiting segment is specified in P(0). * Function 63: Initialization of the SCREEN 0 blink mode Input: P(0) = Foreground color of the blinking text P(1) = Background color of the blinking text P(2) = Time ON (0 to 15) P(3) = Time OFF (0 to 15) IF P(2) and P(3) are both 0, this function will only clear the blink zone in VRAM Output: - This function will initialize the colors and times for the SCREEN 0 blink mode, and will clear the VRAM blink zone. If P(2) and P(3) are both zero, only this last action will be done. This function can only be used in SCREEN 0 mode with at least 41 columns; otherwise, nothing will be done, and the error -1 will be returned. Actions done by this function can alse be done separately from BASIC, in the following way: - Colors setting: VDP(13) = Foreground color+ 16*Background color - Times setting: VDP(14) = Time ON + 16*Time OFF - Clear VRAM: Fill with zeros the 256 bytes VRAM zone beginning at &H0A00 System variables FORCLR (&HF3E9) and BAKCLR (&HF3EA) contain respectively the current foreground color and background color previously set with the COLOR statement. Thus, for obtain an inverse video effect just do: P(0)=PEEK(&HF3EA):P(1)=PEEK(&HF3E9):P(2)=15:P(3)=0:?USR(63) or VDP(13)=PEEK(&HF3EA)+16*PEEK(&HF3E9):VDP(14)=&HF0 * Function 64: Make or erase a blinking characters block Input: P(0) = 0 to erase block <> 0 to create block P(1) = Begin X coordinate (column) (0 to 79) P(2) = Begin Y coordinate (line) (0 to 27) P(3) = X length (columns) P(4) = Y length (lines) P(5) = Increase P(1) if <>0 P(6) = Increase P(2) if <>0 Output: P(1) = P(1) + P(3) if P(5)<>0 P(2) = P(2) + P(4) if P(6)<>0 This function makes or erases a blinking characters block with the specified dimensions, in the specified coordinates. It is recommended to execute function 63 before use this function. This function can only be used in SCREEN 0 mode with at least 41 columns; otherwise nothing will be done, but no error will be returned. If P(1)>79 and/or P(2)>27, an error -1 will be returned. This function does not check if the block exceeds screen dimensions. If the block surpasses column 79, it will continue at the column 0 of the next line. But if a part of the block exceeds line 27, this part will not be shown. * Function 65: Obtain information about interrupts Input: - Output: P(0) = -1 if any interrupt process is active (user defined interrupt, PSG sound effect or music playback) P(1) = -1 if an user defined interrupt is active P(2) = User defined interrupt segment P(3) = User defined interrupt begin address P(4) = -1 if a PSG sound effect is being played P(5) = -1 if a music is being played P(2) and P(3) will return the user interrupt definition, even if it is stopped. If no user interrupt has never been defined, both results will be zero. To obtain more information about the active sound effect use function 67. For the music, use function 72. * Function 66: Define or stop an user defined interrupt routine Input: P(0) = 0 to stop the current user interrupt 1 to define and activate an user interrupt -1 to reverse the current status of the user interrupt (actived <--> stopped) P(1) = User interrupt segment (ignored if P(0)<>1) P(2) = User interrupt begin address (ignored if P(0)<>1) Output: - This function defines or stops an user defined interrupt routine, that is, a machine code routine that will be executed in each timer interrupt, 50 or 60 times per second. The specified segment will be switched in page 2 for the execution of the routine, therefore the routine must have been assembled in the addresses range &H8000-&HBFFF. If P(0)=1, the interrupt is defined by P(1) and P(2), and is activated (from this moment, it is executed to 50 or 60 Hz). If P(0)=0, the interrupt is stopped (it is no longer executed), but its definition is not changed. If P(0)=-1, the current status is reversed (actived to stopped and vice-versa), and its definition is not changed. Interrupt segment is switched in page 2 for execution, so the code must be assembled in the address range &H8000-&HBFFF. BIOS is switched and available in page 0, and NestorBASIC segment is available in page 1. This state must be restored by the routine itself before returning, if segment/slot switchings are done. Also, the interrupts will be disabled and must be in this state during the routine execution. No register preservations are needed, because NestorBASIC handles this. Some of the internal NestorBASIC routines and variables (for RAM and VRAM management, and for obtaining information about the interrupt process, amongst others) can be used by the user interrupt routines. In appendix 2 you will found the list and detailed description of these routines and variables. You can't define an user interrupt routine in a VRAM segment, nor in the segment 255. If you specify a non existing or invalid segment in P(1) the function will return an error -1. If you specify a parameter other than 0, 1 or -1 in P(0), an error 7 will be returned. 10.9. PSG SOUND EFFECTS * Function 67: Obtain information about the PSG sound effects Input: P(0) = New maximum volume (0 to 15, -1 to leave it unchanged) Output: P(1) = -1 if a sound effect is being played P(2) = Number of the SFX being played, or the last one played P(3) = Priority of the SFX being played, or the last one played P(4) = Segment of the sound effects set P(5) = Start address of the sound effects set P(6) = Highest defined sound effect number P(7) = Maximum volume The results returned by this function will only be valid if the sound effects set has been initialized with function 68. The sound effects set must have been created with the editor SEE v3.xx, developped by Fuzzy Logic. This function never returns error. If the value specified in P(0) is greater than 15, it will be interpreted as 15. * Function 68: Initialization of a PSG sound effects set Input: P(0) = Segment P(1) = Address Output: - This function initializes the sound effects set stored in the specified segment and address, leaving it ready for use with function 69. The sound effects set must have been created with the editor SEE v3.xx, by Fuzzy Logic; if the set format is invalid, the function will return the error code 8. You can't use a sound effects set stored in a VRAM segment, nor in the segment 255. If you specify a non existing segment in P(0), an error -1 will be generated. * Function 69: Play a PSG sound effect Input: P(0) = Effect number P(1) = Priority (0: low, <>0: high) Output: - This function begins the playback of the specified sound effect; the sound effects set must have been created with the editor SEE v3.xx, by Fuzzy Logic. If the sound effects set has not been initialized with function 68, the result is unpredictable. P(1) handles the priority in the case of executing this function when another sound effect is being played, in the following way: - If the SFX being played and the new one have the same priority, the SFX being played is stopped, and the new one is played. - If the SFX being played has low priority and the new one has high priority, same as above occurs. - If the SFX being played has high priority and the new one has low priority, the old SFX keeps being played, and the function returns the error code 11. If the sound effect specified in P(0) is not defined (the first track is left to "OFF" in the editor), the function will return the error code 9. If the effect does not exist (its number is higher than the maximum effect number), the function will return the error code 10. * Function 70: Stop PSG sound effect playback Input: - Output: - This function stops the PSG sound effect being played, and silences the PSG. It never returns error. 10.10. FUNCTIONS FOR MOONBLASTER MUSIC PLAYBACK * Function 71: Load and initialization, or uninstall, of the Moonblaster player (S4) Input: P(0) = Player to be loaded: 0: Moonblaster 1.4 1: Moonblaster Wave 1.05 3: Autodetect: Load Moonblaster Wave player if Moonsound is present, otherwise load Moonblaster 1.4 player. -1: Uninstall the loaded player Output: P(0) = Player loaded (0, 1 or -1, as above). Output: P(1) = -1 -> No error <> -1 -> A disk error occurred, and NBASIC.BIN remains open with this number; look at the value returned by the USR command for the error code, as usual. This function loads the specified Moonblaster player in segment 5, leaving it ready for use. Also, searches for all the existing sound chips in the system, and leaves all the found chips enabled (see function 73 for more details about the sound chips activation). The player can only be installed if the segment 5 exists and belongs to the primary mapper; otherwise, the function will return the error -1. If a disk error occurs, the function will return the appropriate error code (see section 4). If NBASIC.BIN remains opened due to a disk error, its associated file number will be returned in P(1); otherwise, P(1) will be -1. NBASIC.BIN file contains two versions of the Moonblaster Wave player: one is for MSX2/2+ and Turbo-R in Z80 mode, and the other is for Turbo-R in R800 mode. If the computer is a Turbo-R, NestorBASIC decides the version to be loaded according to the processor switched when function 71 is called. Note that if a processor change is performed, this function must be called again in order to load the appropriate player: Z80 version does not work in R800 mode, and R800 version makes the system slower in Z80 mode. To uninstall the player, use this function with P(0)=-1 at input; you don't need to previously stop any music being played, since the function itsef will do this task. After uninstallation (which just consists on erasing the string "NestorPlayer" placed at the start of segment 5), segment 5 becomes available again, just like any other segment. If you try to uninstall the player when no player is actually loaded, the function will do nothing, and no error will be returned. You can load, uninstall, and load again the Moonblaster player as many times as necessary within a program's lifetime. If there is a player loaded and you want to load another one, it is convenient to first uninstall the loaded player. * Function 72: Obtain information about the music being played Input: - Output: P(0) = -1 if a music is being played or is paused P(1) = -1 if a Moonblaster 1.4 music is being played or paused P(2) = -1 if a Moonblaster Wave music is being played or paused P(3) = 0 P(4) = -1 if the music is paused P(5) = Segment of the music being played, or segment of the last played music P(6) = Begin address of the music being played, or begin address of the last played music P(7) = Current position P(8) = Current step (0 to 15) P(9) = -1 if a MSX-MUSIC was detected P(10)= -1 if a MSX-AUDIO was detected P(11)= -1 if a OPL4 was detected P(12)= -1 if the player is initialized P(13)= Player installed (only if P(12)=-1): 0: Moonblaster 1.4 1: Moonblaster Wave 1.05 F$(0)= Songname (empty string if no music is being played) F$(1)= Samplekit or wavekit (empty string if no music is being played) If no Moonblaster player is loaded, P(12) will be zero the other results will not be set (except for P(9) to P(11); the function will not return any error. Use function 71 to initialize the player. If no music is being played, P(5) and P(6) will return the position and the step in which the last played music was stopped, and F$(0) and F$(1) will be empty strings. Otherwise, F$(0) will return the songname (always 40 characters for Moonblaster 1.4 musics, 50 for Moonblaster Wave musics) and F$(1) will return the samplekit or wavekit that was loaded in Moonblaster when the music was saved, in capital letters and without extension ("NONE" if there was no samplekit loaded). P(9) to P(11) return information about the detected sound chips, even when no player is loaded. To obtain information about the enabled sound chips, use function 73. * Function 73: Activation and deactivation of the sound chips Input: P(0) = 0 -> Request for information only 1 -> Enable or disable chips according to P(1) to P(3) 2 -> Enable all the found sound chips P(1) = 0 -> Don't modify MSX-MUSIC status 1 -> Disable MSX-MUSIC 2 -> Enable MSX-MUSIC -1 -> Reverse MSX-MUSIC status P(2) = 0 -> Don't modify MSX-AUDIO status 1 -> Disable MSX-AUDIO 2 -> Enable MSX-AUDIO -1 -> Reverse MSX-AUDIO status P(3) = 0 -> Don't modify OPL4 status 1 -> Disable OPL4 2 -> Enable OPL4 -1 -> Reverse OPL4 status Output: P(4) = 0 -> MSX-MUSIC not found 1 -> MSX-MUSIC found but disabled 2 -> MSX-MUSIC enabled P(5) = 0 -> MSX-AUDIO not found 1 -> MSX-AUDIO found but disabled 2 -> MSX-AUDIO enabled P(6) = 0 -> OPL4 not found 1 -> OPL4 found but disabled 2 -> OPL4 enabled This function allows to disable and enable MSX-MUSIC, MSX-AUDIO and OPL4, which in such state will not be used, even if they are found in the system. This feature can be useful, for example, for earing only the MSX-AUDIO part of a music in a computer with internal MSX-MUSIC. If P(0)=0, the function will only return information about the enabled sound chips in P(4) to P(5), and will not change the current status of the chips. If P(0)=2, all the found chips will be enabled (this is the default state when the player is initialized). To obtain information about the found sound chips use function 72. If P(0)=1, the different sound chips will be enabled or disabled according to the values passed in P(1) to P(3); attempts to enable chips that are not present will be ignored. If MSX-AUDIO and MSX-MUSIC are both disabled (Moonblaster 1.4 player) or if OPL4 is disabled (Moonblaster Wave player), function 74 (start the playing of a music) will do nothing but will not return error. The changes done with this function will have not effect until the currently being played music is stopped (function 75 or 77) and restarted (function 74). If no music is being played when you use this function, just start the music and you will note the changes. This function will return the error code 7 if any of the input parameters in invalid (but if P(0)<>1 you don't need to set P(1) to P(3)), and error code 12 if the player is not installed. * Function 74: Start playing a Moonblaster music Input: P(0) = Segment in which the music is stored P(1) = Music begin address Output: - This function begins the playback of the specified Moonblaster music. If the specified segment does not exist, refers to VRAM or is the 255, the error code -1 will be returned. If the player has not been initialized, the error code 12 will be returned (use function 71 to initialize the music player). Moonblter Wave musics can be stored through consecutive segments; see section 8.2 for more details. In the case of Moonblaster 1.4 music, this function examines the first byte of the music in the specified address; if this byte is &HFF it means that the music was saved in EDIT format, and therefore can't be played; in such case the error code 13 will be returned. Otherwise, NestorBASIC assumes that in the specified address a Moonblaster music saved in USER format begins, and the playback starts without further checkings. If the specified RAM area does not contain a Moonblaster music, the result is unpredictable. Moonblaster Wave rapleyer has not these restrictions: it can detect if data in the specified address is really a Moonblaster music, and if it is saved in USER mode. If not, error 13 is returned. If MSX-MUSIC and MSX-AUDIO were both disabled (Moonblaster 1.4 music) or OPL4 was disabled (Moonblaster Wave music) with function 73, this function will do nothing, but no error will be returned. If another music is already being played, an error code 14 will be returned. * Function 75: Stop the music playback Input: - Output: - This function stops the playback of the being played music and silences the sound chips. If no music is being played or if no music player was initialized, the function will do nothing. It never returns error. * Function 76: Pause and continue the music Input: P(0) = 0 -> Pause music 1 -> Continue music -1 -> Reverse current status (play <--> pause) Output: - This function pauses or continues the playback of a Moonblaster music. If no music is being played or paused, or if the player was not initialized, the function will do nothing, but no error will be returned. If the specified parameter is invalid, an error code 7 will be returned. * Function 77: Fade out the music Input: P(0) = 0 -> Request for information only -1 -> Pause fade out 1..254 -> Start/continue fade out with the specified delay Output: P(1) = -1 if a music is being faded P(2) = Current fade delay (-1 if the fade is paused) This function begins to fade out the music being played. The delay means the number of clock cycles (of 1/50 or 1/60 seconds each) between fade steps, so the smallest is the delay, the faster is the fade. Once the fade is completed (the music main volume decreases to zero), the music will be automatically stopped: you don't need to stop it by yourself with function 75. If P(0)=-1 the fade will be paused, that is, the music will remain being normally played with the reached volume. To continue the fade, just execute again this function, specifying a new delay in P(0). If P(0)=0, this function will only set P(1) and P(2) with the specified information. If no music is being played, or if the player was not initialized, this function will do nothing. It never returns error. * Function 78: Load a Music Module samplekit (S4) Input: P(0) = File number Output: P(7) = Number of readed bytes This function loads from the specified opened file a Music Module samplekit, which must be saved in the Moonblaster format: 56 header bytes, which will be copied into the appropriate zone of the player; and 32K of samples, which will be transferred to the Music Module sample RAM. Data will be read from a previously opened file. This feature allows you to concatenate the samplekit with other useful data in a single data file: in such case, just move the file pointer to the appropriate point, and execute this function. However, in the most common case you will need to load a MBK file generated with Moonblaster. In such case, you can load the samplekit by just doing the following: F$(0)="sampkit.mbk":?USR(31):?USR(78):?USR(32) If a disk error occurs, the function will return the appropriate error code, and you can look for the number of bytes that have been read from the file in P(7). If this number is greatert than 16K, only the first 16K of the samplekit will have been transferred to the sample RAM. Otherwise, no data will have been transferred to the sample RAM. If the player was not initialized or if no Music Module is found, this functon will do nothing, but will not return error. If the whole samplekit is successfully loaded, P(7) will not return 32824 but -32712, due to the BASIC integer variables range (-32768 to 32767). * Function 79: Load a Moonsound wavekit (S4) Input: P(0) = File number Output: P(6):P(7) = Number of readed bytes This function loads from the specified open file a Moonsound wavekit, which must be saved in USER format (otherwise, an error 15 is returned). Data will be read from a previously opened file. This feature allows you to concatenate the wavekit with other useful data in a single data file: in such case, just move the file pointer to the appropriate point, and execute this function. However, in the most common case you will need to load a MWK file generated with Moonblaster. In such case, you can load the wavekit by just doing the following: F$(0)="wavkit.mwk":?USR(31):?USR(79):?USR(32) If a disk error occurs, the function will return the appropriate error code, and you can look for the number of bytes that have been readed from the file in P(6):P(7). In this case Moonsound sample RAM can have been modified, but work area will not have been updated, so a partial wavekit load can't be supposed. If the Moonblaster Wave player was not initialized or if no Moonsound is found, this functon will do nothing, but will not return error. If the whole samplekit is successfully loaded, P(6):P(7) will contain the wavekit size (same as the file size if you just load a .MWK file). 10.11. FUNCTIONS FOR CONTROLLING THE USAGE OF SEGMENTS * Function 80: Obtain and set the number of segments allocated for NestorBASIC Input: P(0) = Number of segments to be allocated for NestorBASIC (0: Do not modify, only obtain the number of segments curently allocated) This number includes NestorBASIC, TurboBASIC and BASIC main RAM segments Output: P(0) = Number of segments allocated for NestorBASIC after the function execution P(1) = Maximum number of segments that can be allocated for NestorBASIC This function works both in DOS 1 and DOS 2, however it is intended for being used in DOS 2. Under DOS 2, when NestorBASIC is installed it allocates for itself all the free RAM segments available in the system, up to 247. This implies that no free segments remain available for other resident programs that also perform segment allocation, like the DOS 2 RAM disk, NestorMan or InterNestor Suite. To solve this problem, use this function to let NestorBASIC know how many segments we really need; the other segments will be freed and therefore will become available for other programs. For example, if you will use a music player (which will be installed on segment 5) and you need only one extra segment for data, then you should execute this function with P(0)=7; the extra data segment will have number 6. If a number of segments lower than 6 is specified in P(0), NestorBASIC will allocate 5 segments (see section 2), or 6 if a music player has been installed. If a number of segments higher than the total number of available segments is specified, then as much segments as possible will be allocated (up to 247), and P(0) will return the number of segments that have been actually allocated. Whatever finally happens, this function will never return error. Under DOS 1, this function just modifies some NestorBASIC internal variables; the value returned in P(1) is fixed and it is computed at NestorBASIC installation time. Under DOS 2, contrarywise, actual segment allocations or freeings are performed using DOS 2 mapper support routines; in this case, the value returned in P(1) is re-computed on each execution of the function, and depends on how many segments have been allocated by other resident programs. 10.12. FUNCTIONS FOR NESTORMAN AND INTERNESTOR SUITE/LITE INTERACTION * Function 81: Obtain information about NestorMan and InterNestor Suite availability Input: - Output: P(0) = 0 if NestorMan is not installed 1 if NestorMan is installed 3 if NestorMan and InterNestor Suite are installed P(1) = NestorMan segment of InterNestor Suite level 1 module P(2) = NestorMan segment of InterNestor Suite level 2 module P(3) = NestorMan segment of InterNestor Suite level 3 module P(4) = NestorMan segment of InterNestor Suite level 4 module P(5) = NestorMan segment number of NestorBASIC segment 4 The value returned in P(5) will be valid only if P(0) is 1 or 3 at output. This value is necessary if a data transfer between a NestorMan segment and a NestorBASIC segment will be performed using segment 4 (common to both programs) as an intermediate buffer, as described in section 9.2. The values returned in P(1) to P(4) will be valid only if P(0) is 3 at output. It is not necessary to know the InterNestor Suite modules location in order to execute their routines (using function 85), but it is necessary in order to read and write the modules configuration constants and variables, as detailed in section 9.3. * Function 82: Execute a NestorMan function Input: P(0) = Function number P(2) to P(11) = Input registers for the function: P(2) = AF P(8) = AF' P(3) = BC P(9) = BC' P(4) = DE P(10)= DE' P(5) = HL P(11)= HL' P(6) = IX P(7) = IY Output: P(2) to P(12) = Output registers of the function, with the same assignment as in the input, plus the following ones: P(12) = A P(13) = Cy flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) P(14) = Z flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) This function executes the NestorMan function specified in P(0) using then indirect calling method, that is, using the extended BIOS hook. It is therefore equivalent to the execution of function 58 having established previously P(1)=&HFFCA, P(3)=Function+256*B, and P(4)=&H2202. An error code -1 will be returned by this function if NestorMan is not installed. Note however that it does not check if the specified function does really exist in NestorMan. See also the function 58 description for considerations about the output values of P(12) to P(14). Section 9 describes some procedures for exachanging data between NestorMan and NestorBASIC. * Function 83: Data block transfer from a NestorMan segment to a NestorBASIC segment Input: P(0) = NestorMan source segment P(1) = Source start address P(2) = NestorBASIC destination segment P(3) = Destination start address P(4) = Data length P(5)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(1) P(6)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(3) Output: P(1) = P(1) + P(4) if P(5)<>0 P(3) = P(3) + P(4) if P(6)<>0 This function is identical to function 10, except that the value passed on P(0) refers to a NestorMan segment. As in the case of function 10, P(3)+P(4) must be lower than &H4000, a VRAM segment or the segment 255 may be specified in P(2), and an error -1 is returned if any of the specified segments does not exist. This function has one limitation: it is not possible to use it specifying segment 1 as the NestorBASIC destination segment. However, this will normally not be a problem, because segment 1 contains the TurboBASIC compiler, and usually one does not want to modify its contents. If anyway a transfer to segment 1 is needed, you must first copy the data to any other segment as an itermediate step, for example segment 4. * Function 84: Data block transfer from a NestorBASIC segment to a NestorMan segment Input: P(0) = NestorBASIC source segment P(1) = Source start address P(2) = NestorMan destination segment P(3) = Destination start address P(4) = Data length P(5)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(1) P(6)<> 0 -> Autoincrement of P(3) Output: P(1) = P(1) + P(4) if P(5)<>0 P(3) = P(3) + P(4) if P(6)<>0 This function is identical to function 10, except that the value passed on P(2) refers to a NestorMan segment. As in the case of function 10, P(3)+P(4) must be lower than &H4000, a VRAM segment or the segment 255 may be specified in P(0), and an error -1 is returned if any of the specified segments does not exist. This function has one limitation: it is not possible to use it specifying segment 1 as the NestorBASIC source segment. However, this will normally not be a problem, because segment 1 contains the TurboBASIC compiler, and usually one does not want to read its contents. If anyway a transfer from segment 1 is needed, you must first copy the data to any other segment as an itermediate step, for example segment 4. * Function 85: InterNestor Suite routine execution Input: P(0) = Module number, 1 to 4 P(1) = Routine address P(2) to P(11) = Input registers for the routine: P(2) = AF P(8) = AF' P(3) = BC P(9) = BC' P(4) = DE P(10)= DE' P(5) = HL P(11)= HL' P(6) = IX P(7) = IY Output: P(2) to P(12) = Output registers of the routine, with the same assignment as in the input, plus the following ones: P(12) = A P(13) = Cy flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) P(14) = Z flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) Using this function it is possible to execute any routine of any of the InterNestor Suite modules. To read or write the modules configuration constants and variables it is necessary to first obtain the NestorMan segment numbers of the modules using function 81, and then use any of the techniques described in section 9.2 for exchanging data between NetorBASIC and NestorMan. This function will return an error -1 if InterNestor Suite is not installed, or if an invalid module number is passed on P(0). See also the function 58 description for considerations about the output values of P(12) to P(14). Section 9.3 mentions some considerations about the ensemble use of NestorBASIC and InterNestor Suite. * Function 86: InterNestor Lite routine execution Input: P(1) = Routine address P(2) to P(11) = Input registers for the routine: P(2) = AF P(8) = AF' P(3) = BC P(9) = BC' P(4) = DE P(10)= DE' P(5) = HL P(11)= HL' P(6) = IX P(7) = IY Output: P(2) to P(12) = Output registers of the routine, with the same assignment as in the input, plus the following ones: P(12) = A P(13) = Cy flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) P(14) = Z flag (-1 if set, 0 otherwise) Using this function it is possible to execute any routine of InterNestor Lite. P(1) must contain the address of any of the InterNestor Lite routines listed in its programmer's manual, otherwise the results of executing this function are unpredictable. This function will return an error -1 if InterNestor Lite is not installed. To know in advance whether InterNestor Lite is installed or not, use the following code, which performs the detection method described in section 9.4: P(0)=0: P(1)=&HFFCA: P(2)=0: P(4)=&H2203: E=USR(58): IF P(12)=0 THEN ... (not installed) In section 9.4 there is a comment about the use of the InterNestor Lite routines that perform data exchange with TPA from NestorBASIC. See also the function 58 description for considerations about the output values of P(12) to P(14). The following sample program shows the installed InterNestor Lite version number. 10 BLOAD"nbasic.bin",R 20 IF P(0)<5 AND P(0)<>3 THEN PRINT "Error "+P(0):END 30 '* Check that INL is installed 40 P(0)=0: P(1)=&HFFCA: P(2)=0: P(4)=&H2203: E=USR(58): IF P(12)=0 THEN PRINT "InterNestor Lite is not installed.":GOTO 100 50 '* The VERS_PAUSE routine(&H402A) returns the INL version in C.D.E and the implementation number in B, it must be called with A=0 60 P(1)=&H402A:P(2)=0:E=USR(86) 70 X=P(3):GOSUB 1000:RB=X '* B register 80 X=P(4):GOSUB 1000:RD=X '* D register 90 PRINT "InterNestor Lite version " ; P(3) AND &HFF ; "." ; RD ; "." ; P(4) AND &HFF ; ", implementation " ; RB ; " is installed." 100 '* Uninstalls NestorBASIC and finishes 110 P(0)=1:E=USR(0):END 1000 '* This subroutine extracts the high byte of X 1010 X=((X AND &HFF00)/256) AND &HFF 1020 RETURN The program TCPCON-L.BAS, supplied with NestorBASIC, is a more complex example that illustrates the ensemble use of NestorBASIC and InterNestor Lite. APPENDIX 1 - NESTORBASIC FUNCTIONS LIST In this appendix, all the NestorBASIC functions are listed sorted by number. Functions that use segment 4 have a "(S4)" mark after their name. These functions are: 0, 26-28, 30, 33-41, 55-57, 71, 78, and 79. --- General functions * Function 0: NestorBASIC uninstallation (S4) * Function 1: General information about NestorBASIC and about a segment --- RAM access functions * Function 2: Read a byte from a segment * Function 3: Read a byte from a segment with address autoincrement * Function 4: Read an integer (2 bytes) from a segment * Function 5: Read an integer (2 bytes) from a segment with address autoincrement * Function 6: Write a byte to a segment * Function 7: Write a byte to a segment with address autoincrement * Function 8: Write an integer (2 bytes) to a segment * Function 9: Write an integer (2 bytes) to a segment with address autoincrement * Function 10: Data block transfer between segments * Function 11: Fill a RAM zone with a byte * Function 12: Fill a RAM zone with a byte with address autoincrement --- VRAM access functions * Function 13: Read a byte from VRAM * Function 14: Read a byte from VRAM with address autoincrement * Function 15: Read an integer (2 bytes) from VRAM * Function 16: Read an integer (2 bytes) from VRAM with address autoincrement * Function 17: Write a byte to VRAM * Function 18: Write a byte to VRAM with address autoincrement * Function 19: Write an integer (2 bytes) to VRAM * Function 20: Write an integer (2 bytes) to VRAM with address autoincrement * Function 21: Data block transfer from VRAM to RAM * Function 22: Data block transfer from RAM to VRAM * Function 23: Data block tranfer between VRAM * Function 24: Fill a VRAM zone with a byte * Function 25: Fill a VRAM zone with a byte with address autoincrement --- Disk access functions * Function 26: Search for a file (S4) * Function 27: Rename a file (S4) * Function 28: Delete a file (S4) * Function 29: Move a file (DOS 2) * Function 30: Create a file or directory (S4) * Function 31: Open a file * Function 32: Close a file * Function 33: Read from a file (S4) * Function 34: Read from a file to VRAM (S4) * Function 35: Read disk sectors (S4) * Function 36: Read disk sectors to VRAM (S4) * Function 37: Write to a file (S4) * Function 38: Write to a file from VRAM (S4) * Function 39: Write to disk sectors (S4) * Function 40: Write to disk sectors from VRAM (S4) * Function 41: Fill a file with one byte (S4) * Function 42: Move a file pointer * Function 43: Obtain the default drive and the available drives vector * Function 44: Set the default drive * Function 45: Obtain disk space information * Function 46: Obtain the default directory (DOS 2) * Function 47: Set the default directory (DOS 2) * Function 48: Obtain the RAM disk size (DOS 2) * Function 49: Create the RAM disk (DOS 2) * Function 50: Obtain the attributes byte for a file (DOS 2) * Function 51: Set the attributes byte for a file (DOS 2) * Function 52: Parse pathname (DOS 2) --- Graphic copression functions * Function 53: Compression of graphic data * Function 54: Decompression of graphic data --- BASIC programs execution * Function 55: Execution of a BASIC program stored in a segment (S4) * Function 56: Activation of a BASIC program stored in a segment (S4) * Function 57: Save a BASIC program with a special header (S4) --- Miscellaneous functions * Function 58: Execution of a machine code routine placed on BIOS, SUB-BIOS, BASIC main RAM or system work area * Function 59: User machine code routine execution (machine code routine stored in a RAM segment) * Function 60: Print a string in graphic mode * Function 61: Store a string in a segment * Function 62: Restore a string stored in a segment * Function 63: Initialization of the SCREEN 0 blink mode * Function 64: Make or erase a blinking characters block * Function 65: Obtain information about interruptw * Function 66: Define or stop an user defined interrupt routine --- PSG sound effects playback * Function 67: Obtain information about the PSG sound effects * Function 68: Initialization of a PSG sound effects set * Function 69: Play a PSG sound effect * Function 70: Stop PSG sound effect playback --- Moonblaster music playback * Function 71: Load and initialization, or uninstall, of the Moonblaster player (S4) * Function 72: Obtain information about the music being played * Function 73: Activation and deactivation of the sound chips * Function 74: Start playing a Moonblaster music * Function 75: Stop the music playback * Function 76: Pause and continue the music * Function 77: Fade out the music * Function 78: Load a Music Module samplekit (S4) * Function 79: Load a Moonsound wavekit (S4) --- Segments usage control * Function 80: Obtain and set the number of segments allocated for NestorBASIC --- Interaction with NestorMan and InterNestor Suite/Lite * Function 81: Obtain information about NestorMan and InterNestor Suite availability * Function 82: Execute a NestorMan function * Function 83: Data block transfer from a NestorMan segment to a NestorBASIC segment * Function 84: Data block transfer from a NestorBASIC segment to a NestorMan segment * Function 85: InterNestor Suite routine execution * Function 86: InterNestor Lite routine execution APPENDIX 2 - USER ACCESSIBLE NESTORBASIC ROUTINES AND VARIABLES When an user machine code routine or an user interrupt routine is executed, NestorBASIC segment is SWITCHED in page 1. At the beginning of this segment there is a table to some internal NestorBASIC routines and variables, which can be useful for the user routine. In this section, the location of these routines and variables and its meanings are described. None of these routines modify the interrupts state, except PUTSLOT0, which disables interrupts before finishing. NOTE: Logical segment 255 refers always to the memory switched to pages 2 and 3 when the segment is referred to. While an user machine code routine or an user interrupt routine is being executed, page 2 DOES NOT contain the BASIC main RAM segment, but the segment of the routine itself. So, to actually convert the segment 255 to the appropriate BASIC segment, do the following: ld hl,address call CHKSLFF cp 3 jr z,OKFF ld a,2 OKFF: ; Note: variables and data areas mentioned in this section are read-only. Modifying them may cause unpredictable results. The contents of the table is as follows: &H4100: Identification string "NestorBASIC x.xx" &H4110: TABSEGS Pointer to the segments table. The format of this table is as follows: -2: Maximum number of segments that can be allocated for NestorBASIC (always valid under DOS 1; under DOS 2 this value is valid immediately after NestorBASIC installation, but may vary later) -1: Number of available RAM segments (same as P(0) returned by functions 1 and 80) +0: Slot of the logical segment 0 +1: Physical segment of the logical segment 0 +2: Slot of the logical segment 1 +3: Physical segment of the logical segment 1 ... +492: Slot of the logical segment 246 +493: Physical segment of the logical segment 246 &H4112: INT_DATA Contains information about the NestorBASIC active interrupts: bit 0 = 1: User defined interrupt is active bit 1 = 1: PSG sound effect is being played bit 2 = 1: Moonblaster 1.4 music is being played bit 3 = 1: Moonblaster Wave music is being played &H4113: PUTSLOT0 Enables the specified slot in page 0, without using ENASLT. Returns with interrupts disabled. Input: A = Slot to switch Output: - Registers: AF &H4116: CHKSLE Checks if the specified logical segment exists. DOES NOT recognize VRAM segments as valid segments, nor the segment 255. Input: A = Logical segment Output: Cy= 1 -> Logical segment exists Cy= 0 -> Logical segment does not exist Registers: F &H4119: CHKSLFF Checks if the specified logical segment is the 255. If so, the segment is converted to the appropriate segment number (current page 2 segment if HL<&HC000, segment 3 if HL>=&HC000) Input: A = Logical segment HL = Address Output: A = Segment converted if it was 255; otherwise, unchanged Registers: F &H411C: CHKSLV Checks if the specified logical segment refers to VRAM. If so, the specified segment address is converted to the appropriate VRAM address. Input: A = Logical segment HL = Address Output: If segment refers to VRAM: A = VRAM block HL = VRAM address Cy = 1 If segment does not refer to VRAM: A, HL unchanged Cy = 0 Registers: - &H411F: VTOSL Converts a VRAM address to the appropriate VRAM segment Input: A = VRAM block HL = VRAM address Output: A = Equivalent logical segment HL = Equivalent RAM address Cy = 1 -> A=1 on input, but only 64K VRAM are available Registers: F &H4122: GET_SF Obtains the physical segment and the slot for a logical segment. Input: A = Logical segment Output: A = Physical segment B = Slot (255 -> Logical segment does not exist) Registers: - &H4125: GET_SLT Obtains the slot connected to page 1 or page 2. Input: A = Page (1 or 2) Output: B = Slot Registers: F, C &H4128: READ_SL Reads a byte from a logical segment. Input: A = Logical segment HL = Address (0-&H3FFF) Output: A = Byte read Registers: F, AF' &H412B: WRITE_SL Writes a byte into a logical segment. Input: A = Logical segment E = Byte to be written HL = Address (0-&H3FFF) Output: - Registers: F, AF' &H412E: LDIRSS Transfers a data block from a logical segment to another. Recognizes the segment 255 and the VRAM segments. Returns with BIOS switched in page 0. DON'T checks if BC>&H4000. Input: IXh = Source logical segment IXl = Destination logical segment HL = Source begin address (0..&H3FFF) DE = Destination begin address (0..&H3FFF) BC = Block length (0..&H3FFF) Output: A = 0 -> Data block successfully transferred A <> 0 -> One of the specified logical segments does not exist Registers: All &H4131: CHKBV Checks if a VRAM address exists. Input: A = VRAM block (0 o 1, 64K low VRAM or high VRAM block) Output: Cy = 1 -> The specified VRAM block does not exist (A = 1 but computer has only 64K VRAM) Registers: - &H4134: SET_RD Sets VDP for reading VRAM. Input: HL = VRAM address, 16 low bits CY = VRAM address, bit 17 Output: - Registers: AF, HL &H4137: SET_WR Sets VDP for writing VRAM. Input: HL = VRAM address, 16 low bits CY = VRAM address, bit 17 Output: - Registers: AF, HL &H413A: LDIRVR Transfers data block from VRAM to RAM. Input: VRAM source begin address previously set with SET_RD DE = RAM destination begin address BC = Block length Output: DE = RAM address next to the data block end Registers: AF &H413D: LDIRRV Transfers data block from RAM to VRAM. Input: VRAM destination begin address previously set with SET_WR HL = RAM source begin address BC = Block length Output: HL = RAM address next to the data block end Registers: AF &H4140: LDIRVV Transfers data block from VRAM to VRAM through a RAM buffer. Input: HL = VRAM source address, 16 low bits DE = VRAM destination address, 16 low bits BC = Block length A = %000000 D S, bit 17 of Destination and Source IX = RAM buffer with a size of at least BC bytes Output: - Registers: AF, HL, DE &H4143: FILLVR Fills a VRAM zone with un byte. Input: VRAM address previously set with SET_WR BC = Zone length A = Byte Output: - Registers: - &H4146: BLK_CLS Clears the VRAM zone for the SCREEN 0 blink mode. Input: - Output: - Registers: AF &H4149: BLK_COL Sets the colors for SCREEN 0 blink mode. Input: A = foreground color + 16* background color Output: - Registers: A &H414C: BLK_TIM Sets the times for the SCREEN 0 blink mode. Input: A = time ON + 16* time OFF Output: - Registers: A &H414F: BLK_ON Makes a blinking block. Input: HL = XXYY B = X length C = Y length Output: L = YY next to the last line H unchanged Registers: AF &H4152: BLK_OF Erases a blinking block. Input: HL = XXYY B = X length C = Y length Output: L = YY next to the last line H unchanged Registers: AF &H4155: C_BLKAD Calculates the VRAM address in the blink area for the specified coordinates. Input: HL = XXYY Output: HL = VRAM address Registers: AF &H4158: C_STBT Calculates the appropriate bit of the appropriate VRAM address for the specified coordinates. Input: A = X coordinate Output: A has the appropriate bit set to 1 Registers: F &H415B: GINFOUS Returns information about the user interrupt definition. Input: - Output: A = Segment HL = Address &H415E: GINFOSFX Returns information about the PSG sound effects. Input: A = New maximum volume (-1 to leave it unchanged) Output: A = SFX set segment HL = SFX set begin address B = Number of the SFX being played, or the last one played C = Priority of the SFX being played, or the last one played D = Number of the highest existing sound effect E = Maximum volume &H4161: GINFOMUS Returns information about the music being played and about the player. Input: - Output: Cy = 1 -> No player is initialised, the other results are invalid. Cy = 0 -> Any player is initialised. The other results are valid if a music is being played back (see INT_DATA). A = Logical segment of the music being played HL = Begin address of the music being played B = Found sound chips: bit 0 = 1 -> MSX-MUSIC found bit 1 = 1 -> MSX-AUDIO found bit 2 = 2 -> OPL4 found C = Enabled sound chips: bit 0 = 1 -> MSX-MUSIC enabled bit 1 = 1 -> MSX-AUDIO enabled bit 2 = 2 -> OPL4 enabled D = Position E = Step (0 to 15) IXl= 255 if the music is paused &H4164: REPTYPE This is a data byte that contains the type of the music player currently loaded: 0 = Moonblaster 1.4 player 1 = Moonblaster Wave player Note that before looking for this information, you must check that actually any player is loaded. Use function GINFOMUS (&H4161) for this. &H4165: GETF01 Input: - Output: - This routine copies the contents of the strings F$(0) and F$(1) to two NestorBASIC buffers placed on page 3; the addresses of these buffers can be obtained from variables F0BUFADD and F1BUFADD, mentioned forward. Only the first 80 characters of the strings are copied. A 0 character is placed at the end of the strings. &H4168: SETF0 &H416B: SETF1 Input: - Output: - These routines establish the strings F$(0) and F$(1), respectively, with the contents of two NestorBASIC buffers placed on page 3; the addresses of these buffers can be obtained from variables F0BUFADD and F1BUFADD, mentioned forward. Strings must be finished with a 0 character in the buffers, and its maximum length is 80 characters; if they are larger, only the first 80 characters will be established. &H416E: F0BUFADD &H4170: F1BUFADD These variables store the addresses of the page 3 buffers that are used as destination by routine GETF01 and as source by routines SETF0 and SETF1, respectively. The length of these buffers is 80 bytes each one. &H4172: SL_2 Logical segment switched on page 2 (that is, logical segment where the routine reading this variable resides). &H4173: NMAN_SL4 NestorMan segment number of NestorBASIC segment 4. &H4174: INS_SL1 &H4175: INS_SL2 &H4176: INS_SL3 &H4177: INS_SL4 NestorMan segment numbers of InterNestor Suite modules 1 to 4, respectively. APPENDIX 3 - INTERRUPTS IN MSX TURBO-R NestorBASIC works perfectly in all the MSX2/2+/Turbo-R computers, but you may have problems with the interrupt process if your computer is a Turbo-R and you are running in DOS 1 mode, especially if you have an external mapper. This is due to the process needed for the interrupt request handling: NestorBASIC must check which segment is connected in page 1 before making any segment switching. In DOS 1 mode, the only way to do this is the use of a IN A,(&HFD) instruction, which in the Turbo-R computers does not work exactly in the same way as in the MSX2/2+ computers. Thus, if you will use user interrupts, sound effects or music play in your program using NestorBASIC, it is recommended to do the following: check if the computer is a Turbo-R (if PEEK(&H2D)=3) running in DOS 1 mode (use function 1 to check this); in such case, show a message asking to reboot in DOS 2 mode. APPENDIX 4 - USAGE CONDITIONS NestorBASIC is freeware, so you can use and distribute it freely. But if you use NestorBASIC in your programs you should do the following: - Somewhere in your program (when loading, in an "about" option, when showing the staff, etc) you must place a mention to the use of NestorBASIC, as well as the version number (use function 1 to obtain NestorBASIC version number). - If the program is not for author's personal use (that is, if the program will be distributed, freely or not) you must give a copy of the program to me. For any suggestion, question or comment about NestorBASIC, please write to me at . The usage of the sound effects created with the sound effects editor SEE has its own use conditions. If you will shell your program for more than 15 NLG you must pay a little amount of money to the authors, never more than 25 NLG. For more details or for comments about SEE, please contact Fuzzy Logic: R. v/d Meulen A. v/d Wal Lijsterstraat 25 Tormentil 15 8917 CX Leeuwarden 8445 RR Heerenveen Holland. Holland.